6 Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship With God as Explained by David Diga Hernandez

6 Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship With God as Explained by David Diga Hernandez


We sometimes feel distant from God, especially when things don't go our way. We start to believe that God has left our side, and as the distance grows, we feel that our relationship with Him is beyond repair. But we can rebuild our relationship with God at any time. He is always waiting for us; we just have to take the first step. So, how do you fix your relationship with God? Evangelist David Diga Hernandez shares six ways to strengthen your relationship with God.

David Diga Hernandez is a Christian author, evangelist, and the founder of Encounter TV, a Christian channel featuring David's teaching and healing ministry and the worship ministry of Stephen Moctezuma. David Hernandez is widely known for his free spirit and unique communication style. He doesn't fit into any church denomination category but uses social media to preach the gospel and help other millennials and Gen Z's know more about God and his love for his creations.

Six ways to strengthen your relationship with God, according to David Diga Hernandez:

  • Pray

Make time to pray, even if it's just ten or twenty minutes. Prayer is one of the best weapons and the key to God's heart. It is a chance for you to have a conversation with God and is the best way to grow spiritually and strengthen your relationship with Him.

David explains that when you speak to God through prayer, you are inviting him into your heart and your life; this is the perfect moment to tell him what is troubling you.

  • Read and Study God's Word

All answers are in the Bible, and reading your Bible regularly can help you overcome current obstacles. The Bible reminds you that there is nothing impossible for God, and what you are going through, others have also gone through the same, says David.

He recommends setting a definite time to read your Bible and ensuring that you read at least a chapter a day.

  • Join a Group

Joining a group of like-minded believers gives you the support and encouragement to keep moving forward. It can be a Bible study class at a friend's home, online, or at church.

David Hernandez explains that being in a Christian community can help you strengthen your relationship with God and learn more about his word. You also have people to pray for and with you.

  • Attend Church Service

The church is the house of God, and attending church service brings you closer to him. Church gives you a sense of belonging. The sermons remind us who Jesus is and how He can transform our lives if we let Him, David adds.

  • Learn to Trust Him With All Your Heart

Just like any relationship, your relationship and God is also built on trust, and to have that personal relationship with Him, you have to learn to trust God with all your heart, even when things don't go according to your expectations.

  • Seek Out Your Spiritual Gifts

Lastly, David stresses the importance of seeking out your spiritual gifts. Every Christian has a spiritual gift, and finding yourself helps you grow in the knowledge of Christ and fulfill God's purpose.

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