Anybody Up for This? Trump Campaign Seeks SoCal Volunteers

Are you an angry white man? Do you look around and think, How'd all these Mexicans get to a place once called Mexico? Do you hate women? Or are you just plain educationally challenged?

Have we got a gig for you!

Donald Trump's presidential campaign is looking for volunteers in Southern California.

Yes, despite Trump now being the only game in town after Sen. Ted Cruz and Gov. John Kasich dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination, Team Trump still wants to make a big impression in the biggest state. California's primary is June 7.

"We are moving full steam ahead organizing for victory in California," his campaign said in a statement this afternoon. "Saturday, May 14, we will be walking precincts in Northern and Southern California. We will also be launching phone banks in select locations this week."

Don't worry about becoming a leper even among your own family members in this here ultra-liberal Golden State. This is the opportunity of a lifetime.

"Please also contact your friends, family and Facebook contacts to make sure they register Republican so that they can vote in this primary," the Trump campaign states.

Yeah, do that and see how many Facebook friends you lose.

If you want to volunteer in SoCal, email Deanne Tate ( for Los Angeles, Mary Young ( for Orange County or Woody Woodrum ( for San Diego, the Trump camp says. (What a diverse list of staffers; the Hispanics really do love him).

We would never suggest that opponents go all Trojan horse on this opportunity and pretend to be supporters just to get inside Trump's SoCal operations. (Hilarity could ensue.)

That would be wrong.

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