Casey Anthony Nude Pics? Larry Flynt Offers Controversial Party Mom Half a Million to Appear in Hustler Magazine

Ah, Casey Anthony. A woman whose story is so revolting that even porn Valley's biggest video producer, Vivid Entertainment, was inspired to rescind its offer of a high-paid sex gig after a backlash from folks who wouldn't even want to see her in flagrante.

But you know there is one guy in L.A. who can hold his nose and palate just about anything having to do with smut.

Yep, Larry Flynt.

Today it was reported by CNN that he upped the ante:

He's offered her half a million to appear nude in Hustler magazine. He said the gig could includes millions of dollars in "residuals" as well. (How do magazine appearances generate "residuals?" Do they rerun old photo spreads back-to-back with Seinfeld?).

Adult Video News notes that Anthony is looking for cash -- as much as $1.5 million -- for interviews after a jury let her off the hook for the alleged murder of her baby in Florida.

Flynt says that, during his recent book tour, fans approached him and asked why he hadn't made the offer to Anthony, which inspired him to take this bold step.

Here's what Mr. First Amendment told CNN:

I've never been one to shy away from controversy because when nobody else in the country would, I published nude photos of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis in 1975 and I made over $20 million off of them, so if something works, I don't have a problem doing it. Now, in the offer that we made to Casey through her attorney, the half million dollar payment's only part of it, we're willing to pay 10 percent of the profits, so if this thing goes viral, and it could be as big as everybody thinks it would, because of how big the trial is, she could make millions, more than's ever been discussed with her in any of the other possible interviews that she would be involved in.

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