Discovering the Magnificence Within: Lessons from Go Be Brave

Discovering the Magnificence Within: Lessons from Go Be Brave

Have you ever wondered how you would survive a journey across the country with no money, no food, and only the kindness of strangers to rely on? It's a daunting task, but it's just another adventure for Leon Logothetis. The global adventurer, host of the popular Netflix & Discovery+ series The Kindness Diaries, motivational speaker, and best-selling author has traveled to over 100 countries with nothing but his beat-up Beetle, a few articles of clothing, and the generosity of strangers. His work has been featured on Good Morning America, Rachel Ray, Tamron Hall Show, and New York Times.

In his latest book, Go Be Brave, Leon shares his incredible mission and teaches children and teens how to become fearless, deeply connected, and braver humans. He aims to help them live without anxiety and fear, even in uncertainty. He teaches parents and their children life-saving tools that can start to make a change in bringing voices back to so many that have felt so silent.

But Leon's journey to becoming The Kindness Guy did not happen overnight. Before his adventures, Leon worked as a broker in the city of London. He had a storybook life from the outside looking in, but his inner turmoil was the opposite of the idealistic fantasy. He was depressed and anxious, and something needed to change.

Leon stumbled across a movie called The Motorcycle Diaries which follows the journey of a man traveling around South America relying on kindness. The movie profoundly touched Leon's heart, and he quit his job shortly after to see if he could rely on kindness to survive. His first trip was hitchhiking across America, from Times Square to the Hollywood sign, relying solely on the kindness of strangers. He then went on to travel across Europe and the UK in the same way.


After years of traveling, Leon went down a path of desolation again. Eight years would pass before destiny intervened. During a walk down Hollywood Boulevard, Leon saw a homeless man with a sign that said, "Kindness is the best medicine." Inspiration struck again, and Leon quit his job. This time, he decided to buy a vintage Ella motorbike to travel. But there was a twist. The unsuspecting Good Samaritans would receive a life-changing gift. In one instance, Leon met a homeless guy who he ended up sleeping on the streets with, and the next morning the crew put him up in a new apartment and sent him back to school. This wondrous act of kindness was filmed and eventually picked up by Netflix. In season two of his show, he traveled from Alaska to Argentina in a 50-year-old beetle. Same concept. No money. No food. However, he landed in the middle of winter in Alaska and Argentina.

At the peak of his adventures, Leon hit a roadblock that halted his travels. That roadblock was Covid 2020. With little to do and the world at a standstill, Leon shares what he calls an epiphany moment. "Whilst I was doing nothing but watching Netflix in my house, I had another epiphany. Believe it or not, I didn't quit my job again," he laughs. "But I began to wonder, how do people end up living magnificent lives? I realized that it is done through being brave." Leon believes that speaking our truth is the truest act of bravery. It's about carrying our pain and standing in our power. For Leon, the first time he stood in his truth was at 15 years old. He was bullied at school and never told anyone until it became too much. He walked into his mother's room and spoke his truth. "I've been bullied for a while. I can't stay in school anymore. You've got to help me." That was the first moment he consciously realized he was brave and vulnerable. "It changed my life," says Leon.

Leon struggled from his teen years into his mid-20s, battling depression and anxiety. But a chance encounter with a NAVY SEAL at a spiritual retreat changed the course of his life. The Seal shared a message with Leon that true bravery lies in speaking your truth and showing your pain. This message inspired Leon to redefine bravery and embark on a mission to teach children and teens how to build confidence and stand up to bullying. His teachings are particularly relevant to his age group's current mental health crisis. His new book, Go Be Brave, comes out during Mental Health Awareness Month and aims to start a movement to combat hate in school hallways and social media channels.

But how did Leon embrace this bravery philosophy and inspire others? His travels across America to Hollywood and further down to Argentina provide a clue. Leon discovered that relying solely on kindness wasn't enough to reach his destination. Instead, he needed to create a story, a journey in which people could participate. This realization led him to pick the motorbike and the Beetle as characters in his story. Leon's journey of self-discovery and his mission to inspire bravery and courage in others are truly inspiring. With Go Be Brave, he offers a roadmap for young people to build confidence and navigate the challenges of the modern world. His story reminds us that true bravery lies not in physical strength or external achievements but in speaking our truth and showing our vulnerability.


In his book "Go Be Brave," author Leon challenges readers to take action and reconnect with their humanity. He believes social media has caused us to lose a piece of ourselves and encourages readers to leave their phones behind and spend time in nature to ground themselves. Leon promises that we can become magnificent by being brave and speaking our truths.

The book offers exercises and principles to guide readers to reconnect with their humanity. Leon suggests that feeling is a gift that knows no boundaries and that we must want to experience it ourselves to bring about true change. He quotes Maya Angelou, stating that people will never forget how we made them feel, which is what "Go Be Brave" is about. Leon has traveled the world, giving TED Talks and seminars, and he was once asked if he would ever retire from being kind. He replied that kindness and bravery are not masks he puts on but integral parts of who he is. While he may retire from traveling at some point, he believes that kindness and bravery only retire when we cease to exist.

"Go Be Brave" includes 24 and 3/4 new adventures for a fearless, wiser, and truly magnificent life. It is available for pre-order now and will be released worldwide on April 25th. Leon will also appear at the Barnes and Noble in L.A. at the Grove in June. Readers ready to reconnect with their humanity and go on an adventure of self-discovery should consider adding "Go Be Brave" to their reading list.

Check his website for dates and times

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