Donald Trump's Walk of Fame Star Gets a Baby Border Wall PHOTOS

Los Angeles provocateur Plastic Jesus just rained on Donald Trump's parade. On a day when the real estate mogul is celebrating his official coronation as the Republican Party's presidential nominee for 2016, Plastic Jesus has built a wall around Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

The wall only measures 6 inches high, but its statement is mighty.

Trump has vowed to build a wall along the United States' border with Mexico in order to keep out unauthorized immigrants. His stance, along with a pledge to halt Muslim immigration, has brought wide criticism from pro-immigrant groups.  

The piece is described by a representative of the British-born street artist as a "gray concrete wall ... complete with 'keep out' signs and topped with razor wire."

Plastic Jesus is behind other headline-generating pieces, including a life-size Oscar statue that appears to be shooting up heroin.

His latest motto, "Stop making stupid people famous," is featured on the miniature wall.

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