As we all recover from the holidays and enter a new year, it’s important to start off the right way. December is typically full of parties, late nights, shopping and stress - but if you neglect your health during the festivities, January and February are going to be pretty miserable. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy nights out with friends and family; but there’s a right way and a wrong way to approach it.
Dr. Chris Jackson of Betterbrand, one of the top nutritional supplement companies in the US, has some tips and tricks to making merry and keeping your sanity. Known as @DrChrisPharmD across social media, Dr. Chris has over 160k followers on TikTok, and we’ve curated some of his best advice for the new year.
Take care of your body
Even after the rush and bustle of the holiday season, winter often takes a toll on your physical health - tis the season for colds and flus, after all! If you’re under the weather, or dealing with chronic illness, the added stress can take the joy out of the season and make it harder to recuperate after the holidays are over.
“Biggest tip no one shared with me as an entrepreneur: Don’t neglect your physical health while you’re working on your financial health,” says Dr. Chris. He adds that a fresh start to 2023 begins with a healthy body, and a big part of that is watching your stress levels. Stress can even lead to losing your hair, giving new meaning to the phrase “pulling your hair out”!
Watch out for sweet treats
Going out for a round of drinks with loved ones can bring some warmth into the chilly winter months; and there’s nothing wrong with that, but Dr. Chris says it’s important to be aware of what you’re putting into your body.
“Sugar can slow the absorption of alcohol,” says Dr. Chris. “If you’re considering a mixed cocktail with a sugary rim, just know that the alcohol will be sitting in your stomach a little longer than normal!” He points out that many drinks of this type - Piña coladas, margaritas, daiquiris, even wine - contain high levels of sugar, which means you won’t get as drunk as quickly.
“This, however, means that you might find yourself consuming a huge number of calories without really realizing it,” he says. “We don’t always think about drinks being high in calories - but you’re basically drinking pure sugar with a lot of typical cocktails.”
Not all alcohol is created equal!
On that note, what type of alcohol you consume can make a big difference when it comes to whether or not you suffer a hangover the next day. For example, over the holidays you may have indulged in the viral Christmas Cocktail recipe, which calls for Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey and has a rim dipped in frosting. Even though the sugar slows the alcohol absorption, Fireball is most likely going to give you a whopper of a hangover.
“Replacing it with something like Jack Fire is a great option,” he says, referring to Tennessee Fire, Jack Daniel's cinnamon whiskey. “They use a filtering process called 'mellowing' to remove congeners.” These substances, produced during fermentation, are responsible for many of the physiological effects of hangovers.
He adds that “ready to drink” alcohol is full of preservatives and sugar, none of which are good for the body. “Next up, the cheap stuff,” he says. “You still end up paying for it, just in a different way: with a horrible hangover. Some of these you can filter, but not everybody is a DIY’er.”
Prep for partying
“If you go the Fireball route, you probably need a hangover blocker,” says Dr. Chris. Wait - what?? That’s right - Betterbrand offers BetterMorning, the all in one hangover blocker that Dr. Chris designed to “level up your pre-game”. It minimizes headaches and nausea, and also supports liver detox while helping replenish vitamins lost from drinking.
BetterMorning is formulated with all-natural, quality ingredients to target the effects of alcohol and can help to prevent a hangover, or taken to mitigate the effects if you forget to prep for your party. BetterMorning includes Dihydromyricetin (DHM) to support liver aid, Milk Thistle to help your liver remove toxins from the body, Ginger to reduce nausea, and B vitamin Complex to boost alcohol metabolism.
Know your limits
“Your body's ability to efficiently process alcohol decreases as you age,” Dr. Chris says, pointing out that this begins to be noticeable for most people after the age of 25. “This has to do with metabolic enzymes in your liver and your ability to clear the toxic byproducts through your liver and kidneys.”
He reminds party-goers that alcohol dehydrates you significantly. As soon as you take your first drink, your body starts losing fluids. Being aware of how alcohol affects you can greatly reduce your discomfort during and after your night out or office party, and taking time to hydrate - with water, not another cocktail! - can also cut down on the uncomfortable aftermath.
Better living through science
No matter the season, Dr. Chris and the team at Betterbrand are passionate about offering the most effective science-backed supplements to help you live a more fulfilled, empowered, and balanced life. Overseen by a team of doctors, pharmacists, and researchers, each Betterbrand product is carefully formulated to be safe, effective and deliver results.
Website: https://www.trybetterbrand.com/
Email: hello@betterbrandhealth.com
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