Event Pick: Big City Forum: Stories That Move at ICA LA
ICA LA Field Workshop

Event Pick: Big City Forum: Stories That Move at ICA LA

While physically closed to the public right now, the ICA LA has made its Field Workshop collaborative retail space available for use by artists and progressive community groups. As a result, an eclectic series of Action Projects is currently underway, with a holistic slate of upcoming talks and presentations on pedagogy, social policy, self-care, allyship, and creative practice. The next one is presented by Big City Forum and will explore, the meaning and role of art organizations and networks in times of upheaval. BCF's three-day residency culminates in an open community workshop on Zoom with Leonardo Bravo, Cynthia Vargas, Reina Imagawa, and Jeremy Rosenberg. Sunday, August 16, 2-5pm. theicala.org.

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