Event Pick: L.A. Arboretum Lantern Festival

Festivals of lights are extortionately common throughout the holiday season -- presumably because they harken back to a time when nights were painfully long and the only thing to do was kindle a candle and rage against the dying of the light. At the Moonlight Forest Magical Lantern Art Festival, they take the bearing of the torch of civilization to new heights with the massive illuminated fish of their Ocean Visions exhibit, the Polar Dreams extravaganza, and any number of radiant swings, peacocks and butterflies the likes of which are seldom seen outside of dreams. Through January 12.

Los Angeles County Arboretum, 301 N. Baldwin Ave., Arcadia; through January 12; $25 adults / $20 children ages 317 / $23 seniors (62+) and students (18+ with ID). (626) 821-3222,arboretum.org.


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