Farmers Market Icon Sid Weiser Passes on Yom Kippur
Weiser Family Farms Peppers at the Mar Vista Farmers Market (Michele Stueven)

Farmers Market Icon Sid Weiser Passes on Yom Kippur

You can't come across a menu in any of L.A.'s best restaurants without a Weiser Family Farms item. Known for their creamy potatoes, crisp ninja radishes, shishito peppers, juicy melons and carrots the colors of the rainbow, their bounty can be found at every farmers market across Southern California, every day of the week. You'll find ?son Alex Weiser regaling customers with the beauty and magic of the lowly parsnip with '60s music playing in the background. On the high holy day of Yom Kippur this week, a part of the music died.

Via the family's Instagram page, Alex announced the passing of family patriarch Sid Weiser:

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