From single to quadruple jumps, figure skating guru Victoria Drazdova helps skaters achieve more

From single to quadruple jumps, figure skating guru Victoria Drazdova helps skaters achieve more


Technology is changing figure skating and the ways in which athletes train. It has made the sport safer and more scientific - and the Covid-19 pandemic has made virtual coaching a reality. Figure skating guru Victoria Drazdova has written and spoken about these trends extensively, and she has worked as a coach to best serve aspiring athletes in these rapidly changing times.
Drazdova has worked closely with world-class coaches from across the globe to develop a proven, results-oriented training program that focuses on off-ice coaching. This approach sets her apart in the world of figure skating. And her methodology guides the global online training platform VSA, which connects athletes with coaches who can inspire excellence through virtual off-ice training.
Drazdova's methodology is geared towards helping skaters of all levels - from beginner to advanced - unlock their fullest potential. She has more than 12 years experience coaching internationally and her techniques are revolutionizing the sport. Drazdova's work has helped athletes develop their skills more quickly and efficiently than ever before. And VSA's online training platform makes this possible from anywhere in the world, 24/7, 365.
"Nowadays the sport of figure skating is super-competitive, even at the amateur level," said Drazdova. "Quadruple jumps have become the expectation, but without proper coaching - coaching that focuses on off-ice training and safety - this goal is out of reach for most skaters."
Drazdova says she and her fellow coaches have seen their athletes "achieve more in a few months than they did in years on their own." Adding that her methodology has helped make multi-rotational jumps a reality for thousands of students from 33 countries.
Drazdova's effectiveness as a coach is reflected in her growing audience. Her Instagram account @vsafigureskating boasts more than 64,000 followers. She works with a team of 18 world-class coaches at VSA and aims to make figure skating more accessible to aspiring skaters worldwide.

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