So many of my students feel frustrated while talking to unresponsive women the man finds himself asking her endless questions, and all she does is offer short one-word answers that lead nowhere.
The interaction becomes an unintential interrogation.
The woman gets bored, and the guy sits there thinking, I wish she would ask me at least one question about myself!?
?I always tell my students that they should use strong opinions in order to get the woman to ask them questions. It sounds a little strange. Surely if someone states his opinion about something it would defeat the purpose of getting the other person to respond with a question, right?
When a guy offers a strong-willed opinion, it actually provokes the woman to ask him why he holds that opinion.
Guy: Where do you like to take vacations??
Girl: London.
Guy: Oh, I hate London?
Girl: Why do you hate London? I think it's a great place.
This creates a positive pattern in the interaction. A subtle shift is made, whereby the woman is now asking the man questions. Using a strong opinion forces her out of auto-response mode and makes her curious to know more about the man she is talking to.
No longer is he some one-dimensional character asking her a list of questions to which he responds, Cool? and proceeds to ask yet another question.
If a guy offers wishy-washy or in-between opinions about subjects she feels passionate about, she will feel no need or desire to carry on with that particular topic.
?I always tell my students that they should not shy away from using strong opinions, regardless of whether they are negative or positive.
The rule is not to offer a negative opinion about her religion or the country she is from. THESE ARE STRICTLY OFF LIMITS.
Instead the guy should use strong negative or positive opinions about matters she is detached from, such as her favorite movie, celebrity, vacation location or favorite TV show.
Never think that if you absolutely hate her movie of choice that she will automatically dislike you. In fact, she likely will find it a breath of fresh air! At last, here is a man who doesn't mind stating what he believes. Here is a man who does not nod his head in agreement to everything I say!?
Women respect a man who does NOT bend his own reality in accordance to hers!
Offer your opinion, be unapologetic about it, and watch the tables turn.
Watch the girl begin asking YOU the questions.
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