Tea is an ancient beverage, originating some 5000 years ago in Yunnan in China as a herbal medicinal drink. The Portuguese merchants brought the leaves home in the early 16th century, and through them, the popularity of tea grew in Europe. Today, tea is consumed on every continent and is the most consumed drink on the planet after water. By 2025, global revenue is expected to rise to 266.7 billion US dollars.
This is a worrying prospect though, as scientists are increasingly concerned about the health risk through levels of fluoride and pesticides. The tea plant is considered a fluoride guzzler and excessive fluoride is considered unsafe for human consumption. It’s a proven fact that excess consumption of fluoride is linked to a number of ailments like Osteoporosis, Dental fluorosis, and possible reactionary illnesses like diabetes, kidneys, liver, and even heart. Massive medical research is being conducted to this effect.
A striking example of how a country has easily dodged governmental regulations is India. In spite of the fact that India’s Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSAI), was tasked with the mandate to match the same public health standards in effect across Europe, they have fallen short. The Indian government has been unable to manage the 20,000+ plantations across India, and the 1.1 billion kilos of tea that they produce annually.
The situation in India reflects a broader global phenomenon. Medical studies in Great Britain have demonstrated that many of today’s premium tea brands are selling teas that contain dangerously high levels of fluoride.
With so many options on the market, knowing where to get safe tea can seem a daunting task. For those of us who want the best of the best in safety, there is Newby Teas London. Founded in London a couple of decades ago, Newby Teas has become famous for its premium characteristics and dedication to quality and sustainability. As of this year, Newby has received more awards than any other luxury tea brand. And most importantly, Newby Teas is conscious of how to make tea the most healthful product it can be. Roughly 80 percent of the fluoride absorbed by the tea plant goes into the bottom part of the plant. Newby, however, exclusively sources only the top leaves of the plant, namely the two leaves and a bud.
It is no surprise that Newby Teas takes people’s health seriously though, as they are owned by the N Sethia Foundation, a non-profit focused on wealth disparities and caring for the impoverished. Newby’s mission is not for profit, but to serve humanity at large and revive the dying tea culture.
To read more about their mission or their work, you can visit www.newbyteas.com.
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