Global phenomenon immunologist wants to live past the age of 110

Global phenomenon immunologist wants to live past the age of 110



Dr. Leo Nissola counts his life in weeks, not years, sets an alarm to go to bed instead of one to wake him up, and is obsessed with Greek stoicism. The first-generation American immigrant born in Brazil to an Italian family has become a global phenomenon, with his book “The Immunity Solution”  topping international bestseller lists.

His book is being translated into three different languages before hitting the shelves and has outpaced Prince Harry’s memoir on the "movers and shakers" section of Amazon U.K. at least once.

The award-winning immunotherapy researcher based out of California was recruited by tech billionaire Sean Parker to lead, design, author, and conduct early-phase clinical trials for cancer patients at leading academic institutions in the United States six years ago. Since then, he has amassed thousands of followers online and has given countless TV and streaming interviews in just a couple of years.

Dr. Nissola, who has led multi-billion-dollar drug assets for multinational pharmaceutical companies, has a counterargument to Dr. Zeke Emmanuel's desire to live a shorter life. "I’ve met Dr. Emmanuel at the Harvard Club in Boston and certainly respect his decision. "But I’ve been studying the lives of the supercentenarians, and there’s a lot we can learn from them and apply their tactics into our daily lives to avoid illness and disabilities, and it does not involve a miracle cure," he says.

"Living in the heart of the tech world exposed me to all of the cool things being built right now; I’m excited to see how far the metaverse will go and what kids are going to do with all the potential for AI to improve our lives."

Dr. Nissola is an intellectual with a magnetic personality and an unmatched background. He is on a bold mission to prove that his health philosophy is right and wants you onboard with him.

"I’m excited to see the future; there’s so much we still don’t know about life, science is developing at the speed of sound, and there are so many things we need to fix to improve the world outside our heads. I want to see it all unfold. If not me, perhaps the work we leave behind can inspire the next generation to get to 110, not die at 75."

Pandemic Response

Since the coronavirus's early beginnings, Dr. Nissola has been actively involved in the pandemic response, working with initiatives like COVIDActNow and the COVID Convalescent Plasma Project. For his work on data-driven COVID-19 epidemiological models, some of which were highlighted in White House press briefings, he was named a "Hero of the COVID Crisis" by Authority Magazine.

He conducted early-phase clinical trials for cancer patients while providing advice to American political figures, and his most recent book is a best-seller on Amazon in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

Together with Tyler Dos-Santos Tam, Chair of the Hawaii Democratic Party, he co-founded his targeted research consulting firm, working with political leaders and healthcare groups alike.

"COVID exposed so much that needs to be fixed, and I wish that we all find the energy to fix those things in the coming years. It takes coordinated effort and a lot of hard work, but I am hopeful about the future. I am passionate about helping people, even if being outspoken has cost me political capital. I care about people."

Magnetic Personality

Whether on TV, in public speaking engagements, or on his very active Instagram account, he has consistently demonstrated an open, non-judgmental, and relaxed attitude—a rare commodity amongst doctors in the media. He doesn’t pretend to know it all but is also not shy about showing off his toned abs and sun-kissed body. "Superman isn't coming to save you from the Squid Game reality we live in, so we all have to play a role, but I've never applied for the role of savior," he says. "I’m comfortable being who I am."

As a "Xennial," he is at ease sporting speedos at the beach one day and a suit and tie while discussing the science behind the most recent COVID variation on television the next.

I grew up surrounded by artists because my mother is a haute-couture fashion designer and my father is a calligrapher, the doctor said. But if Scott Gottlieb, Madonna, and Paulo Coelho had a kid, it would most likely be me, he laughs. His sense of humor is both innocent and graceful.

It's hardly surprising that his new book has remained at the top of the charts; his online charisma and frank vulnerability are likely to blame for this astonishing initial success.

It's unfortunate that some members of the media act as if they are in complete control. "Doctors don't have to be patronizing, bigots, or pretend we have all the answers all the time," Dr. Nissola said. "I have no reservations about calling out a shark when I see one."

He shares that some trying circumstances in his life have made him unshakable. He said without additional explanation, "When I glanced into the abyss, it looked back. There's an indescribable feeling of being a survivor, and confidence comes with it. "

He is a carnivore and is skeptical about cancer-causing pesticides often found in produce. "I work hard on taking care of my body, and as a forty-year-old, I love having the stamina of a 25-year-old."


Global success with “The Immunity Solution” book debut

Dr. Nissola’s book-debut success was a surprise to himself. "I know dietary advice is as popular as paying taxes, but I had to share what I know for sure. I wrote it for my loved ones."

Copies of "The Immunity Solution" have sold out pre-release, and the book has been charting at number one in several categories on Amazon across the globe.

“I was blown away by the overwhelming support. I know that it is unpopular to advise people to avoid eating delicious things, especially given the way that lab-made food causes addiction in our brains. However, the food you consume will eventually feed your cells and influence the strength and quality of your immune system.”

Launched on the same date, for a fleeting moment, Dr. Nissola’s book shockingly left Prince Harry’s memoir at number two.

"It is such an honor to have my words translated into many different languages. As someone who has a deep understanding of all it took for me to overcome and get here, it’s a dream come true. Sharing the Amazon sales ranking with Prince Harry is remarkable. I know he has had a bumpy ride too. But while Prince Harry’s book is about his life, my book is about you; about how your body works, how you can be healthier, and how you can live longer based on validated science."

Dr. Nissola says he has never met Prince Harry but did have an encounter with Princess Alexandra Queen Elizabeth Il’s first cousin, at an evening reception to switch on the Christmas lights at the exclusive Travelers Club in London this past December. "She was wonderful and told me I looked too young to be a doctor," he says. As someone who worked in the outskirts of Sao Paulo and in hard-to-reach communities in the Favelas, I had never dreamed of meeting a royal. "She was kind, approachable, and engaging." "It was a fun and unexpected date," he giggles.

Princess Alexandra is correct; despite being forty years old, Dr. Leo Nissola has the appearance of being much younger. He also has a positive outlook, so it's no surprise that the media and audiences are obsessed with him.

There are more high achievers in Dr. Nissola's family as well. His family's history can be traced back to the lovely Italian village of San Benedetto Po, according to DNA genetic analysis and research on the family. Jacopo (Trento) Nizzola, an Italian Renaissance jeweler and medal sculptor for Queen Mary I of England and Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor in 1536, was the ancestor of his clan, having his work displayed in the Louvre in Paris until this day.

Since the early days of COVID, he has been seen live on CBS News, CNN, the BBC, MSNBC, and many other outlets. The opinionated doctor who was called "an alarmist" in the early days of the pandemic is now storming the world with knowledge often understood only by doctors. "People at home had no idea what to do during the first phase of the pandemic; it's absolutely clear that the system should invest more in health education and prevention. It isn’t a good sign to feel exhausted or sick all the time. That’s what drove me to write "The Immunity Solution."

The Doctor’s New Groove

Published by the century-old prestigious W.W. Norton, Dr. Nissola’s book "The Immunity Solution" explains what you need to know about how to protect your body from all threats, how to avoid getting sick, and how to avoid "inflammaging." He explains what you need to know about how your internal army works, how you are slowly destroying it with your daily habits, and how lifestyle choices can cause permanent, long-term damage to your health.

"If I can help people at home differentiate facts from fiction and help them live healthier and longer while doing it, my life’s work is complete," he says.

Dr. Leo Nissola wants to live past the age of 110 and to show you how it’s done. "More than just surviving, I want to help the next generation develop tools that improve longevity and their quality of life." "Life is supposed to be joyful and fun, and those things are easier when you invest in your health."

Health Philosophy

He has his own health philosophy and appears to navigate the saying "courage is grace under pressure" well. He tells me that more than science and medicine, he enjoys re-reading the works of Plato, Schopenhauer, Kant, and Nietzsche. "I love deep and meaningful conversations."

At the same time, he listens to Ram Dass lectures and meditates daily as part of his routine: "I have a strong desire to get to the ultimate understanding of things and can navigate the muddy waters of philosophy; that’s why one thing I ask readers in The Immunity Solution book is the question: Why do you want to be healthy?" "Why would you like to live longer?" "It all starts with why."

Dr. Leo Nissola’s formula for good health is based on the lives of the supercentenarians and years of research. His exclusive editorial for the DailyMail and MailPlus explained the concept of "inflammaging" and how to avoid getting the body’s defense mechanisms triggered.

"How old would you say you were if you didn't know your age?" he asked me. "That question alone tells me quite a bit about someone’s overall health." It’s not okay to feel tired all the time. If your car keeps breaking down and you’re not taking it to the mechanic, you will end up without a car soon enough. "Similarly, it happens to your health."

We all know that growing old is a gift, but Dr. Nissola makes sure he gets the point across, even if it makes you a bit uncomfortable. "The truth is, not everyone will get to celebrate their birthday next year. Life is a game that we must enjoy on a daily basis. If anything, living through a pandemic has put us in touch with our very own existence. "Even though aging is inevitable and humans tend to live about eighty years, I believe that lifestyle choices combined with the right tools can slow down the aging process." I for one will celebrate my birthday harder this year after hearing him speak and do my best to avoid what he calls “inflammaging.”

The Trouble with Geniuses

For years, Dr. Nissola discussed hot-button issues in public, including masking, early vaccine access, and mandates. He did not shy away from contentious political topics that impacted both Democrats and Republicans.

When I questioned if being in the public eye had a price, he responded: "I was called into action and I served, as little and as much as I could. I'm proud to look back and see that I survived the storm. But I also have forgiven and forgotten people in the past who harmed me terribly, so for me it's just like that Taylor Swift song: "Karma is a relaxing thought."

After surviving some difficult periods, you learn to become unshakeable, showcase your authenticity, and walk away from people, things, or situations that rob you of your peace. "I learned the hard way that the ultimate asset is not time but peace."

"Being an immigrant has taught me a lot about human behavior and how it feels to be perceived as an alien in some circles. But I think we are all immigrants in some ways and should treat each other as peers, regardless of our status, rankings, or proximity to the powers that be. At the end of the day, we are only humans trying our best."

As witty as he is charming, "Doctor Leo" has a sharp tongue and the mystery of a wizard. It's difficult to describe the magnetic draw of his personality, but it's clear why people adore him. His enthusiasm is in line with the trends toward self-actualization that appear to be dominating 2023.

To end our conversation, I asked him about his favorite quote: "Charles Bukowski wrote something that shaped my beliefs many years ago and it goes something like this ‘If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don't even start. This could mean losing loved ones. It could mean not eating for days. It could mean freezing on a park bench. It could mean derision; it could mean mockery and isolation.’ I learned to be unafraid of those things as I had to let go of plenty to actualize my dreams, including someone I loved. As the saying goes: ‘tis better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all."

A quality of his not yet featured in the media is Dr. Nissola’s capacity to leave you speechless with a quote that hits you like a brick. I conclude our conversation by asking about rumors that he will be the gay lead in the next season of The Bachelor. To which he replied: "As far as reality TV goes, I would consider joining "Alone" on the History Channel; it's my favorite, and I think I could survive it. But I take romance too seriously to be on a dating show. I am a hopeful romantic; I enjoy being in love and am ready to find my prince charming."

Dr. Nissola's book, The Immunity Solution, is available today in the U.S. and U.K., and later this year it will be available in Australia, translated into Mandarin in China and Portuguese in Brazil. The audiobook, which he recorded in Studio City, Los Angeles, should come out before the end of February on Apple and Audible.

You can find Dr. Leo Nissola on Instagram @DoctorLeo and  “The Immunity Solution” on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and pretty much anywhere you get your books.

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