Hoy Sale El Sol Featuring Ft G.S.Luna and Priscilla Castillo is Out On All Platforms

Hoy Sale El Sol Featuring Ft G.S.Luna and Priscilla Castillo is Out On All Platforms


Priscilla Castillo and G.S. Luna have released their long-awaited song, "Hoy Sale El  Sol." The track, released less than a week ago, has hit 600K plays on Soundcloud, with  many praising the unique style and sound. Hoy Sale El Sol is multilingual – it includes  verses in English and Latin. This is Castillo's first track, written and performed by Alex  Ortiz, Priscilla, S. Luna, and Chris Da Exec.

Their differences make the song great and allow them to share the message perfectly.  Chris Da Exec is known for his unique ideas and sounds. His style is almost similar to  that of Castillo and Alex, who is Castillo's vocal coach.

Chris draws inspiration from music legends, combining the 90s with today's sound.  Some other songs by Chris Da Exec include "Broken."

"Hoy Sale El Sol" has some noteworthy lyrics and conveys love, hope, strength, and  healing. Speaking more about this project, Chris Da Exec says this is a song he worked  on when he was at his lowest and hopes will inspire people to keep working hard on  their dreams. Sometimes nothing seems to be working out in your favor, and you feel it  is impossible to rebuild your life, says Chris Da Exec. While it is challenging, there are  better options than giving up.

Chris Da Exec has had a rough couple of years. Chris lost his toe not long ago. Chris  Da Exec went to work one night and accidentally stepped on a nail which caused his  foot and leg to swell up, and he had to be booked for immediate surgery. Chris's foot

had started to change colors, and on his way back to Miami to drive for a diplomat (he  was a security personnel), he received a call that he should reroute to the nearest  hospital or he wasn't going to make it alive.

Chris went into the hospital, but unfortunately, he couldn't get the treatment on time as  the facility wasn't well equipped. Chris Da Exec was sent to another hospital after a few  days, where they drained his foot, but the infection returned, and they had to amputate. This surgery changed Chris Da Exec's life. It made it difficult for Chris to work and stand for long hours, which led him to shift paths.

Chris Da Exec had started to rebuild his brand when COVID happened, and he lost his  job. He went to the west coast to work in order to pay the bills and keep a roof over his  head back in miami. Amidst all this, Chris got COVID. At the time, Chris was struggling  financially and had no insurance to cover the hospital bills. But he didn't stop fighting.

He decided to use this time to follow his music passion. Chris Da Exec started music in  2012 but had to take a break. He stopped working with many aspiring artists due to lack  of work ethics which ultimately cost him time and money, when his partner Priscilla  Castillo said she wanted to give it a go. They started looking up voice coaches online  and met Alex Ortiz, who helped Castillo find her sound and perfect it.

Something can be said about kismet and talent meeting at the right place and at the  right time. Together, the artists have done "My Life," "Love is Pouring," and the most  recent Hoy sale El Sol ft. S. Luna. The song is available on all streaming platforms!

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