Movie Pick: Goldfinger

The New Beverly is excavating an IB Tech print of Goldfinger for a special afternoon matinee. The 1964 James Bond caper can make a strong claim to being the pinnacle of the whole 007 series. It certainly has all the classic ingredients in place: outlandish plot, excellent gadgetry, great villain (Gert Frobe's titular mastermind), memorable henchman (Harold Sakata's muscular Oddjob), wonderful Shirley Bassey theme song, and plenty of sex and violence. IB Tech prints are known for their vibrant luster; the glittery paint on Shirley Eaton's body should register well onscreen.

New Beverly Cinema, 7165 Beverly Blvd., Fairfax; Wed., July 10, 2 p.m.; $6. (323) 938-4038,

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