Along with crap, out-of-date books, kids with guns on campus, and the most unhealthy food this side of the county fair, what you really want for your kids in public schools is a couple of sex offenders working on campus. Right?
Thought so.
KTLA News broadcast and published results of an investigation into the matter and found a pair of offenders were frequent visitors to L.A. Unified and San Gabriel Valley public schools.
The station discovered that Steven English and James Spry were on area K-12 campuses, sometimes when school was in session and kids were nearby.
English committed lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14. Spry's has sexual battery and assault with intent to commit a sex offense on his record.
The duo's tour as clean-up workers for construction projects included visits to such SoCal campuses as Arroyo High School, Coronado High School, Shadow Hills High School, and some L.A. Unified School District locations.
Some school officials defended letting the men work around kids, noting that they were under constant supervision, or saying their work areas were fenced off from the rest of campus (because fences are known perv-repellents).
The pair works for a company that does construction clean-up. Apparently schools check out the company and its supervisors, but not the actual workers.
State Assemblyman Curt Hagman of Chino Hills wants to revisit state law regarding sex offenders and schools.
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