PR Firm UpTier Explains The Importance Of Press

PR Firm UpTier Explains The Importance Of Press


If you have been looking for ways to improve your business and reach a wider audience, you might have come across people emphasizing the importance of PR. You may have heard people claiming that PR could be the missing piece to help you reach your target audience and take your business to the next level.

It might seem too good to be true, or overly complicated, but Belal Hany, founder of UpTier PR agency, explains why investing in a partnership with an experienced public relations agency is important and how they can make all the difference.

1) It Helps With Google Ranking:

It’s an SEO hack. Instead of building up your SEO for your website from scratch, and thus wasting much needed time and money that might make all the difference, a good PR agency can help you utilize high-level publications that already have high domain authority. Getting placements in such publications will rank your publications to the top of Google searches, which will drive organic visitors from Google to your publications.

“This has a massive impact on driving new business to your company,” Belal explains. “Think of these publications as business cards or landing pages for your company. Clients would first find your publications through Google searches, and when they decide to contact you or check out your website, they are already warmed up.”

2) Increases Brand Credibility: In today’s digital landscape where impersonators abound on social media platforms, gaining trust is essential — and connecting with well-known outlets helps build credibility quickly among clients who may otherwise have difficulty distinguishing between real companies versus frauds. Showcasing any publication placements you receive across website pages and social media channels can give customers additional reassurance when considering whether they should do business with you; studies show adding trust badges increases conversion rates up 48%. As Belal notes, "You would be surprised at how much difference establishing credibility makes."

3) It Helps Get Verified On Social Media:

Every social media platform has its own set of criteria to be verified. For Facebook and Instagram, arguably the most difficult requirement is being "Notable," and being considered as such by Instagram is heavily influenced by which publications you are featured in.

UpTier promises to get you featured in outlets that will assist in attaining verification on these platforms. Furthermore, UpTier offers guarantees for any publication agreed upon. If, for whatever reason, getting you on that publication fails, you get a full refund for the deposit you made.

If you feel like you're doing everything necessary but haven't achieved your desired results, it might be worth considering engaging the right branding partner to move things in the direction you want! Investing in the right public relations agency could make all the difference and ultimately lead to the successful venture you envisioned!

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