Precious Oshideko: Using Social Media to Spark Positive Change in Africa

Precious Oshideko: Using Social Media to Spark Positive Change in Africa


In today's society, where social media is frequently condemned for its unfavorable influence on the younger generation, Precious Oshideko uses his platform to inspire the youth in Africa positively. Being the creator of Arete-Zale Consulting, Precious acknowledges the significance of granting young individuals in need free education and prospects.

Through his Instagram, Precious shares motivational messages, success stories, and insights into his work with Arete-Zale Consulting. He encourages his followers to embrace their passions, pursue their dreams, and use their skills to impact the world positively.

Utilizing social media, Precious leverages Arete-Zale Consulting to deliver sustainable solutions to the youth in Africa. His training platform offers free courses on Information Technology, Project Management, Cloud Computing, and exercises to foster soft skills development. With this approach, Precious seeks to tackle the underlying causes of the youth's issues and open avenues for them to flourish.

The impact of Precious Oshideko's work is palpable. His training platform has impacted the lives of countless young people in Nigeria and beyond, giving them the tools they need to succeed in a world increasingly reliant on technology. Moreover, his work has inspired others to join his quest for social impact as he seeks to spark government and organizational participation in his mission to create a better world.

In addition to his work with Arete-Zale Consulting, Precious Oshideko also runs a charitable institution, the Precious Oshideko Foundation. The foundation provides food and shelter to remote African communities and organizes skills workshops to empower individuals. The foundation recently finished a greenhouse facility donated to the Plant Science Department of Olabisi Onabanjo University in Ogun State, Nigeria.

Through his social media presence and work with Arete-Zale Consulting and the Precious Oshideko Foundation, Precious Oshideko is shaking the industries and sparking transformation in Africa. He understands that change begins with a purpose-driven vision dedicated to transforming and is committed to providing long-term solutions for youth. With his passion, drive, and commitment to social impact, Precious Oshideko inspires all those seeking to make a positive difference in the world.

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