Successful marketing demands an artistic flair, a certain creativity, a special something that establishes an identity, a personality, a brand.
But in the digital age, marketing must also rely heavily on data-driven results if clients and agencies are to reach customers with maximum effect.
This is where LeadOrigin enters the picture with a proven track record of success. Over the last seven years, LeadOrigin has helped more than 1,800 small and midsize companies generate more than three quarters of a billion dollars in revenue.
“Developing the data and understanding consumer demand and behavior—that's all it is,” said Zohaib Patoli, who along with his brother, Bilal, co-founded LeadOrigin. “You don't have to be artsy and all this stuff, you just have to use the data to see what people like, and then use that data to build it.”
Far from simply an advertising platform, LeadOrigin is a management platform helping companies transition to the digital age. With its emphasis on management as opposed to advertising, LeadOrigin offers clients guidance based on data-driven results. These results cover a range of parameters, including:
LeadOrigin does much more than just capture leads and generate traffic. This firm harnesses the power of its customized, omnichannel and data-driven strategies to propel its full suite of marketing and creative services.
One example of LeadOrigin’s success came with a car care center in an affluent Houston neighborhood, where the average income is a half million dollars annually.
Eric's Car Care is a quick lube center that had been generating $50,000-$60,000 in monthly revenue, but had no digital presence.
“We built the website, we did everything, A-to-Z, and in about 18 months, we doubled revenue,” Zohaib said. “In 29 months, they were able to open a second location; and in 36 months, we had them doing north of $350,000.”
He added, “We have a very cohesive strategy with what we're pitching on a call. And we also do our due diligence, because it's the biggest thing with digital marketers, there’s a lot of smoke and mirrors. People think they’re marketing gurus or social media gurus but they have no case studies. We have a huge presence.”
LeadOrigin’s full suite of marketing and creative services includes:
Visit leadorigin.com to learn more.
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