Robber With Assault Rifle Opens Fire at Century City Rolex Store

Police this afternoon were searching for three suspects involved in a shooting and robbery at a Century City mall Rolex store, a Los Angeles Police Department spokesman said.

A perimeter was set up near Westfield Century City after a stolen Toyota Camry believed to have been used as a getaway car was found about a half block from the mall, said Officer Matthew Ludwig.

The robbery was reported at 12:01 p.m. at the mall's Rolex store, which is listed on its site as Geary's Rolex Boutique.

LAPD Officer Mike Lopez described the weapons carried by two suspects as appearing to be AK-47 assault rifles.

As two men with the rifles in hand came up an escalator that goes to the watch store, someone alerted a security guard, Ludwig told us. That security guard rushed to the door of Geary's in an attempt to lock it but the suspects beat him to the store, he said.

At some point, Ludwig said, one shot was fired by one of the suspects, but no one was injured, Ludwig said.

The suspects proceeded to order everyone in the store to the ground before ransacking the place and fleeing with unknown merchandise, he said.

The suspects went down an escalator to the parking structure, where a getaway driver allegedly awaited, Ludwig said.

Cops, with the assistance of a police dog, were searching the area, he said. It's not clear if the suspects are on foot or if they got into another car.

Ludwig said he couldn't confirm a report on KNX 1070 NewsRadio that neighbors reported seeing men in black clothing in their backyards.

Earlier this summer GPS trackers hidden in Rolex watches taken in a Koreatown mall robbery helped cops find and arrest suspects.

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