June is a time of celebration. Graduations take place. Father's Day is observed. And summer officially begins.
It's also when the
Satanic Temple?of Los Angeles has scheduled festivities for a revered day in the diabolic community ? 6/6/16.
Yeah, you know what time it is, Black Sabbath fans.
The group, which has 12 members, says it's heading to Lancaster on June 6 to take part in a satanic ritual, according to a statement. The schedule is secret, but the appearances will be designed to raise awareness of the religion, organizer?Thuc Nguyen told us.
Co-organizers also include?William Morrison and Ali Kellogg, Nguyen said.
Members of the sect also will be in Lancaster to support local Steve Hill, billed as the first Satanic Temple member to run for public office around these parts. He's vying for a state Senate seat.
We will be hitting five different points around the city, performing various rituals, Nguyen said. When we're finished it will all connect together?for the magic hour around sundown.
A statement from the temple explains the fun in more detail:
The Pentagram is a star with five points. Using GPS technology we will place the five points of the?star so that the Pentagram will encompass your entire city. When all of the points are in place, the?Pentagram is completed. Drawing this symbol around your city represents a solemn promise from us,the Satanic Temple of Los Angeles. We will stand with the good people of the City of Lancaster and?struggle for our constitutional right to individual liberty, freedom of expression and the separation of?church and state in your community.
Members also plan to deliver their Bible, so to speak,
The Seven Tenets, to Lancaster city leaders. Or at least they'll try to, Nguyen said.
If you're looking for ill behavior, you're probably better off at a Donald Trump rally.
This sect, with roots at Harvard and Cambridge, is decidedly intellectual. Animals are respected; people, even more so.
The group once had a barbecue where a Trump pi?ata was bashed, Nguyen said. That's downright civil and just.
We stand up for human rights and civil rights, she said. We get together on a social and political level.
Yawn. Sounds like a real riot. At least the music's cool.
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