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Single moms, boss up! 5 tips to take charge of your career and your life
We can’t help it. It’s in our DNA to be nice, malleable, submissive, demure, and nurturing. Or is it? In the end, it doesn’t matter whether or not we’re programmed to put others’ needs ahead of our own, say yes to most (if not all) that’s asked of us, and put on a brave face when we’re struggling on the inside. It’s time for single moms to boss up and take control!Juggling single motherhood with a career or entrepreneurship can be confusing, demanding, and downright frightening at times. By all means, take a break if you must, lick your wounds as they come, seek support when needed. But when we allow others to determine our value or make decisions for us, it’s past time to speak up and step up. Here are some tips on how to become (and remain) the boss lady you know you are!1. Show up for yourself and your business online via social media
Your name is your face, so get it out there! Social media is an awesome and absolutely critical component of establishing your brand, thanks to its far-reaching impact. Not only that, it also allows you to communicate your authentic self to your existing followers as well as potential business prospects. Social media is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to
- promote your brand through regular page updates and paid advertising
- establish your name and/or brand recognition
- tell your business or personal story
- connect with your audience
- gain trust and grow interest in your brand
Social media is an absolute necessity for the modern entrepreneur and business owner. Yes, it requires a time investment on your part, and “I don’t have time” is no excuse. Make time! That’s how important social media is to grow your brand. Select at least two social media platforms according to the audience you hope to reach, and the type of media that makes sense for your brand – video, images, blogs, live streams, etc. Facebook is an all-around good choice for brand visibility, but other platforms cater to certain audience segments that may also appeal to you. If you want to reach the younger crowd, consider Instagram and/or TikTok. For a more professional presence, take a look at LinkedIn. The imperative word in “social media” is “social.” One of the most frequent mistakes entrepreneurs make is to set it and leave it. What will that do for your brand? Nothing. Be sure to post frequent, engaging content that’s more than a running advertisement. No one likes being marketed to all the time. Instead, help your audience understand what you and your are all about – your history, your work process, a behind the scenes look, employee highlights, and more. 2. Get coaching!
Are you gate-keeping your knowledge and skill? Don’t! Becoming a trendsetter and thought leader in your industry is a much more effective and lucrative strategy in the long run. Establish yourself as the go-to expert by sharing your experience and expertise with others who desperately need it. Offer coaching sessions and seminars wherever your audience gathers. Talk to your local chamber of commerce, or suggest video conferences on LinkedIn.With time, you’ll be viewed as a trusted source of information and advice in your niche. 3. Dress your best
Showing up in jeans and a comfy t-shirt may work for some – once they established their personal or professional brand, that is. When you’re starting out on your mission to become or grow as a leader as a single mom, on the other hand, it’s instrumental to dress for success. Convey your expertise and professionalism through your outward appearance. Overdressing is always safer than underdressing. Hair should be neat. Fingernails clean. Shoes polished. Clothes clean and ironed. In other words, project your success and impress your audience. And it’s definitely okay to fake it til you make it. After all, perception is 99% of reality (credit for this timeless wisdom goes to none other than Thomas Edison). Bonus tidbit: Studies show that nice, neat clothing not only has an effect on how others perceive you, but on your own confidence as well. Which brings me to our next point…4. Single moms: Get your sexy on
Confidence is the single biggest factor in attraction, both in professional and personal relationships. No, I’m not saying you should dress for business settings like you just stepped out of the Moulin Rouge. Obviously, dressing appropriately is paramount to be taken seriously. But no one will see the provocative lace bra underneath, now, will they? Sexy undergarments may not do anything for your business audience, but they can do wonders for your confidence. Because, well, feeling sexy and feeling confident go hand in hand. Although you’re the only one aware of the hot vixen that lives under the business suit, that same hot vixen will project an irresistible aura of confidence in the way she talks, walks, and even thinks. So get your sexy on and slay with confidence!5. Say yes to yourself
You’ve probably heard the word no more times than you care to admit in your business dealings. That’s another topic you can read more about here. Right now, let’s talk about saying yes to yourself. Yes, you can eat that cookie. Yes, you can have another glass of wine. Yes, you can leave your child with a babysitter to enjoy a night out. Yes, you can splurge on that sinfully expensive purse without guilt. Yes. You. Can. In a world full of nos, say yes to yourself often. Give yourself permission to enjoy the fruits of your labor and, most importantly, know that – yes! – you can dream big and go after the success you deserve. After all, you’re the boss, lady! :::::::::::Neferteri Plessy is a trailblazer for mom entrepreneurs, business owners and leaders. A sought-after motivational speaker, Neferteri has coached over 5,000 women into living their best life now. As the founder and CEO of Single Moms Planet, a national 501(c)(3) non-profit, she has developed programming, events and resources which have not only uplifted and inspired thousands of mothers, but also celebrated their amazing achievements. She is the creator of the “SMP 100 Business Accelerator” brand, a global movement that empowers mothers in business. Neferteri has been featured in The Huffington Post, BBC News, MSN Lifestyle, KIIS FM, and the cover of LA Weekly.
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