Spring Cleaning Tips for the Stuff You Usually Miss
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Spring Cleaning Tips for the Stuff You Usually Miss

Spring season is around the corner! You know the tradition by now — spring cleaning; but it’s also the season to unwelcomingly welcome dust, allergens, and pollen. You should be fine, though! — as long as you do your part in making sure your home is Easter Bunny-ready. So, here are simple spring cleaning tips that can make a huge difference in your home.

Spring Cleaning Tips, Lifehacks, and Activities

Dusting, wiping, and vacuuming are sure ways to clean your home — and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! However, you may or may not be missing a few steps to make your pad truly shine.

Disinfect Your Home

It’s one thing to clean a surface, but to make sure that it doesn’t harbor bacteria, mildew, or fungal spores is another! Just because you can’t visibly see dirt or grime, that doesn’t mean it’s clean. There are plenty of ways you can disinfect practically every area and object in your home — ranging from natural solutions to industrial ones.
For instance, you can use part vinegar and part water to disinfect your countertop; you can also soak your kiddos’ toys in water plus a few ounces of lemon juice — just in case you still have rascals who like to taste their toys! There are also recipes where lemon, lime, or orange peels can be used alongside certain essential oils (for added fragrance) that you can add to a spray bottle to help get rid of dirt, stains, and germs. If you need a recipe to get rid of the grossness on your clothes, there are many of them available online!

Organize — Or Reorganize

It’s okay to admit that you can’t always be organized 100% of the time — lots of people don’t always have enough time for that. Therefore, it’s not something you should be ashamed of! Believe us when we tell you that, we, too, tried to ignore and overlook some of our clutter because we also promised that — at some point — we will put them away once we’re able to! But we can’t always procrastinate, can we? So…why not use spring cleaning as an excuse to FINALLY place back things where they belong?
How often do you use your George Foreman grill? Perhaps you can put it back on the shelf — instead of always having to move it to the side. You can never have enough counter space! That air fryer you have right there? If you’re a soup and stew kind of person, maybe that fryer can use a time-out inside the cupboard.
Oh, and what's the state of your pantry Time to wipe the crumbs and toss out the open cookie bags!

Clean Your Walls…Top to Bottom

Just because you can’t see it, that doesn’t mean it isn’t there! — and this also applies to dust and cobwebs. And just because you can’t reach it, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t dust it. If spring season gives you (or your family members) the sniffles, those allergens might — quite literally — be just hanging around in the corner. If you can get a broom that’s long enough to get rid of the dust and cobwebs, you can try dusting them off the wall. Once you’re done, you can go back to cleaning tip #1 to make sure you’re not leaving a colony of spores plotting for revenge.

Elbow Grease to Degrease

Have you checked out the bottom of your pots and pans recently? Because that side of your cookware needs attention too. If you need a good spring workout warmup, maybe you can use an abrasive sponge to get rid of the grease buildup underneath your (what’s supposed to be) shiny and reflective pans. If you want a more natural and affordable approach — minus the extra muscle strength — a baking soda solution might work! While you’re at it, you should probably also take a look at your stove, the inside (and racks) of your oven, and the kitchen sink. See what else needs a good scrubbing!

Donate or Recycle

Not everyone is considered a hoarder if they like keeping things around. Some people just have sentimental attachments to certain objects. But you also have to consider what value that tchotchke or ensemble brings to your home or wardrobe. If you’re keeping these items until corrosion and dry rot damage take over, then it’s probably better that someone (who’s in need of the items more) can use them before they succumb to the point of unusability — go ahead and donate it so you can make someone happy. If you think you have other use/s for it, you can turn that old textile into a tablecloth.

You Know What Springs to Our Minds?

Spring cleaning! — the all-American tradition that reminds us we need to get rid of our old junk and start paying attention to other areas, items, and microscopic (yet very unwelcome) roommates! Once you’re ready to grab your tools, you can keep these spring cleaning tips in mind and use them the next time you think your home could use a little more sparkle.

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