Is Stacie Halas, the porn star-turned-teacher, out of the dog house at her school district?
Not yet, it would seem. But the Oxnard School District did seem to give her a reprieve when board members met behind closed doors regarding her case last night and came away with no decision, school officials told the Weekly.
That means that the instructor that rocked the world of just about every eighth grade boy who has been her student ...
... will apparently stay on administrative leave while the district decides what to do.
Officials this morning sent us this statement from board president Veronica Robles Solis:
Direction was given to legal counsel regarding the discipline of a certificated employee and no action was taken in closed session. We know that there is considerable interest in our situation at Haydock Intermediate School. However, we respect the privacy of our employees and the Board Members and staff cannot comment on this matter other than what is reported out of closed session.
We're going to predict that Halas gets to stay on-board in some capacity. It's just a guess, but as we reported, another porn-star-teacher, Shawn Loftis, was allowed by the state to teach again in Florida after he was fired from the Miami-Dade district.
In both cases the performances came long before the two decided to go into teaching.
It turns out that Halas did her fine work in San Diego about 6 years ago, long before her education career took off.
But it appears that some enterprising young students at Haydock Intermediate School came across her work and informed administrators.
Funny story, and it could be just that: Administrators reportedly could not track down said smut and apparently dropped the issue. But their lack of Google skills might have been exacerbated by ... anti-porn filters on campus.
And so a couple fellow teachers somehow found a way around the district's Internet connection (genius) and came up with the goods -- Halas in flagrante.
The question is whether a teacher can be punished or even fired for non-criminal activity that's in her past.
The porn industry is standing up for ex-porn-star teachers: It says let them move on with their lives.
Even if their tween male students will never be the same again.
(NSFW video of Halas in action can be seen here).
[@dennisjromero / / @LAWeeklyNews]
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