Steve Sharp Outlines The Importance of Psychological Safety in Teams and How to Cultivate and Measure it

Steve Sharp Outlines The Importance of Psychological Safety in Teams and How to Cultivate and Measure it

Creating a positive work culture is crucial for the success of any business, especially in today's world, where remote working is becoming increasingly common due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To achieve this, one of the most important aspects is cultivating psychological safety in teams. Psychological safety is when a person feels safe to speak up about an idea or concern, ask questions or admit a mistake without feeling like they will be punished, humiliated or embarrassed. Think of a time recently where you have been in a meeting and had something to say, but chose not to say it.  That will give you a tangible example of an environment where you did not feel a sense of psychological safety.

Many experts in the field of leadership and team dynamics, like Steve Sharp, a leadership consultant based in Brisbane, Queensland, emphasize the significance of psychological safety in teams and how to cultivate it. According to Sharp, psychological safety is the foundation of trust and a prerequisite for fostering healthy team dynamics. It is the core work of leadership, curating an environment where people can be truly honest and courageous in their interactions. It's a Leader’s capability to have both empathetic and tough conversations. It's warm and compassionate with high standards of accountability.  That is what attracts people to the environment and drives commercial performance over time.

Over 80% of leaders struggle to get their people operating at their best without actionable insights to support the key drivers of Psychological Safety. Sharp is a founding Premier Partner of Conductor Software which is a world first software platform that connects team culture data to performance data. “The truly exciting thing about this innovative platform is that we can finally show potential return on investment on leadership development and culture improvement spending down to each individual team in an organization.  It changes the conversations and makes Psychological Safety a tangible concept that teams can speak openly and honestly about in the context of commercial performance.

While Steve Sharp is a leading voice in the conversation about psychological safety in teams, he is not alone in emphasizing its importance. Other experts also recognize the significance of this concept, and it should be a priority for any business looking to create a positive work culture and achieve success.


Curating psychological safety in teams is crucial for fostering healthy team dynamics and creating a positive work culture. Measuring it and correlating it to team KPIs, as well as developing leaders so they understand and make the right decisions, can help businesses achieve this goal. While experts like Steve Sharp play an essential role in emphasizing the importance of psychological safety in teams, it's a concept that all businesses should prioritize.

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