Streaming Pick: Nevertheless Film Festival Persists Online to Elevate and Celebrate Womxn

Streaming Pick: Nevertheless Film Festival Persists Online to Elevate and Celebrate Womxn

Nevertheless, she persisted became a feminist mantra back in 2017 when the United States Senate and Mitch McConnell moved to quash Elizabeth Warren's objections during the Jeff Sessions hearings. For women of all backgrounds and perspectives, it really stuck too. It reminded us that sometimes we must persist even when those try to silence us are stronger and more powerful. A year later, the Nevertheless Film Festival was created to make sure voices of truth and opposition to the patriarchy continue to get heard via female filmmakers. For the second year in a row, the event pursues its mission to elevate and celebrate the work of womxn in film, though like most screening events, it has been moved to an online platform due to the coronavirus. With six feature films and 20 short films from eight countries around the world, the event's 2020 selections highlight diversity, equality, interpersonal relationships and self-discovery in both dramatic narrative and documentary formats. Subject matter explored includes internet stalking, immigration, voting rights, college debt, reproductive rights, and the struggle of restaurant workers to name a few. Viewers click online links to order virtual tickets to view each movie and many of them donate portions of sales to associated charities and organizations including Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and more. Live Q&A's with filmmakers will also be featured. Running now thru July 12. See the full schedule here. More info at

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