Video Exclusive: Hollywood Club Goers Reveal Their Sex Desires at the Dragonfly's Miss Kitty's Parlour

Ladies, as you head out Friday night hoping to meet someone, know this: Nine out of 10 guys you see will have had one-night stands with someone they met at a bar or club -- and more than a quarter of them have bagged someone new in just the last month.

One guy's technique: "Begging. It works."

Guys, as you head out Friday, know this: Only half of the straight women you meet have ever hooked up with someone they met at a bar or club. As a 27-year-old single woman, a dancer, put it: I hate "any guy who hangs out at a bar." Yet there she was. Hanging out, at a bar.

How do we know all of this? Because we asked. On Friday, Sept. 17, 2010, the Weekly sent 10 teams of researchers to locations across the city to learn about the sexual preferences and practices of Angelenos out on the town.

At the Dragonfly's Miss Kitty's Parlour sex-themed party in Hollywood, we set up a camera and invited people to tell us of their desires and adventures. That NSFW video can be watched here after the jump...

Read more in our sex features, "Sex and This City: What are Angelenos Looking For?," "Give Sodomy a Chance," "iPhilandering: It's Easy to Be Sleazy!," "UCLA Sex Survey Results," and "Uncomplicated Casual Sex? Not Easy to Find on Craigslist."

Also, for some truly sensational photos check out the slideshow, "Sex and This City: Behind the Scenes Photos, Including Sailor Moon Being Ravaged By a Giant Bunny."

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