1 of 4 L.A. Girls Faces Sexual Abuse; Stuart House Aims to Stop It

The Rape Foundation is bringing you some fairly jaw-dropping stats this week:

In L.A. one out of every four girls and one out of every six boys is sexually abused before adulthood, the organization says. Not only that, but between April, 2011 and March, 2012, 16,717 children were referred to the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services because of sexual abuse allegations, the group says:

The Foundation is trying to shock and shame you into supporting its efforts. It's launching a fund-raising effort to build a new Stuart House to replace its downtown facility.

The new house would double the number of children the Foundation is able to treat, the group says:

Stuart House was established in 1988 by the Rape Treatment Center at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center to improve the treatment of sexually abused children and remedy serious problems in the child protection system that often re-victimize them and, in some cases leave them vulnerable to subsequent abuse. These include unnecessary, repetitive interviewing of child victims in multiple locations, a lack of coordination between public agencies responsible for protecting children, and failure to provide needed treatment and support.

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Here's the thing: UCLA already donated the land needed for the new house, and the campaign has already raised $6 million of $10 million it needs.

Want to pitch in? Click here.

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