5 Weekend Habits To Adopt For A More Productive Week

5 Weekend Habits To Adopt For A More Productive Week


In partnership with The Fresh Toast

These habits are simple and don't take much work, which is what matters most. Here are 5 weekend habits for a more productive week.

When it comes to your productivity during the week, we tend to focus on the week itself, starting Monday. On the weekends, we tend to sleep in late and delay all sorts of responsibilities, which is perfectly respectable. This article isn't meant to shame you; weekends are very important for resting, and if you want to sleep in late then that's totally okay.

These weekend habits are simple and can be adopted without much hassle.

Do a weekly check-in

Photo by Daria Shevtsova via Unsplash

Whenever you have time on the weekend, do a check-in with yourself. Write down in your phone or a notebook the highlights of your week, including the good and the bad. These check-ins can help you take stock of your emotional situation, and can help you reorient your life and prioritize your goals.

Questions that can help you get started include: What are my long-term goals? What do I want to accomplish this week? What was good about this week? What can I improve?

Try your best to disconnect

Photo by Konstantin Dyadyun via Unsplash

We have a very co-dependent relationship with our phones. Try your best to avoid checking your emails and to disconnect as best as you can from your devices over the weekend. While it's difficult to steer clear of social media, it does help to fill your day with other activities, even if you're at home watching TV or smoking a joint.

Plan ahead

Photo by NAN728/Shutterstock.com

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Take an hour or 20 minutes out of your weekend to make plans for your week. Schedule tasks and events ahead of time, whether that means weekend trips or work meetings. While difficult, make sure to not work during this amount of time, using your time only to plan things.

Limit your chores

Photo by rawpixel.com

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While we sometimes leave chores for the weekend, try to get these done during your week to give you more free time to relax. While some chores are unavoidable and it might be too much to ask to get them done during the week, a helpful tip could be to split them up during weekdays, making these tasks more manageable. While you may still have to rearrange a thing or two during your weekend, it won't take up your entire Saturday.

Bond with others

Photo by jens johnsson via Unsplash

It's very easy to spend your weekend as a puddle in bed. While necessary sometimes, it's also important to bond with others during your weekends and to spend time outside, whether you're having a drink alone at a restaurant or going to the movies. If you're feeling too drained, check in with your important connections via text or phone call. It's important to remain active through your weekend, including your social relationships.

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