A New Art Book Looks at Time in These Times
Stephen Robert Johns, Time at the Time of isolation

A New Art Book Looks at Time in These Times

Time flies. And drags. Crawls, evaporates, blurs, is lost, is fleeting. Is told, wasted, spent and saved? And during the pandemic, our perception of time has become universally warped. Weeks pass like days, days pass like months, and words like weekend? lose all meaning. We have had plenty of time to think these past few months, but have we thought about time itself?
width=345 Cristopher Cichocki, Time at the Time of isolation
Time at the Time of isolation / Tempo al Tempo dell'isolamento is a new book from curator Cynthia Penna, an organization of 93 artworks, projects and writings by artists, curators and art historians, gathered to pay tribute to the effect of isolation on the work of the creative psyche. The hope is that the volume and the accompanying video conference among the artists and writers will form a kind of diary of this experience, and its effects on artistic visions.
width=689 Interview with Richard Aber, Time at the Time of isolation
The handsome Time at the Time of isolation volume presents images and words in an array of poetic voices from poetry, painting, video, sculpture, drawing, sculpture, photography, conceptualism and interdisciplinary projects. Approaches to the topic touch on modalities from the narrative to the abstract, gestural to the documentarian, philosophical and phenomenological.
width=685 Gary Brewer, Time at the Time of isolation
From dazzling op-art tickling the neuro-net to raw, emotional time spent among shadows, the images are most often accompanied by texts, many of which are direct musings from the artists themselves.
width=685 Yuri Boyko, Time at the Time of isolation
The eclectic, thoughtful visual art surveys natural and psychological landscapes, deconstructs methods of chronometry, and contains not only in its imagery but frequently in its very processes and materials the reality of time's unsettling malleability and ultimately provokes surreal, intimate mediations. Spend some time with it at Tempo al Tempo dell'isolamento.


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