Acharya Shree Yogeesh's Teachings Go Global on YouTube: The Spiritual Revolution Continues

Acharya Shree Yogeesh's Teachings Go Global on YouTube: The Spiritual Revolution Continues


The compelling teachings of Acharya Shree Yogeesh, a Jain monk and well-known spiritual leader, are sweeping the globe. He is known as a modern guru for his remark that "the whole world will fit in my pocket" in reference to mobile phones. His inspiring films have been viewed millions of times and have benefited countless people on their path to enlightenment.

Sadhvi Siddhali Shree, his Chief Disciple, had the idea to record his lectures and distribute them to the masses. They had no idea that their simple video recordings would one day become a multimillion-view spiritual channel and podcast. In an effort to reach a wider audience, Acharya Shree Yogeesh is developing a new YouTube TV show.

Acharya Shree recognizes that there are benefits and drawbacks to technological advancements. It may be a boon by facilitating communication between students and teachers, and a bane by facilitating the dissemination of false information and malice. Despite this, he encourages his students to film his lectures and distribute them online so that seekers all over the world have easy access to his teachings.

Acharya Shree has taken a more relaxed approach than other Jain monks and nuns who traditionally adhere to stringent precepts and shun contemporary amenities. He elaborates, "When I went to America, I did so out of the Jain way. I do things outside the norm, not to hurt anyone, but the truth is that it's to help share spiritual teachings.” He has inspired a new generation to pursue spirituality beyond religion and taught thousands of pupils outside of India thanks to his use of technology.

Stopping Traffic, Surviving Sex Trafficking and For The Animals are just a few of the documentaries that his monks Sadhvi Siddhali Shree and Sadhvi Anubhuti have produced that have reached and benefitted millions of people and animals. Students of Acharya Shree are encouraged to employ their individuality and ingenuity in spreading his teachings.

Health, fasting, meditation, karma, and chakras are just some of the many non-religious topics covered in Acharya Shree Yogeesh's videos and podcasts on YouTube. Recent episodes of his podcast have focused on controversial topics like abortion, euthanasia, suicide, and global warming.

He thinks it's crucial to document spiritual teachings so that they can be passed down through the ages without losing their core meaning. He says so beautifully, "Everything has to be recorded. It's how enlightening ideas get passed down from generation to generation. Nothing is lost in translation or forgetfulness when using video. It was captured at the very moment of creation and will endure eternally.”

Acharya Shree Yogeesh is steadfast and committed to spreading his knowledge even though he has been the target of criticism in the past. To paraphrase his funny observation, "Criticism is my food."

His influence on spirituality around the world is expanding, as seen by the nearly 17 million views he has received on YouTube. Join the spiritual uprising by following him on Instagram and YouTube at @acharyashreeyogeesh.

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