Donald Trump's campaign has been a lot like one of those gross pimple-popping videos that you just can't look away from. You want to stop watching, but you just can't resist. There was that
naked statuedebacle and that other time he called
Mexicans rapists.In L.A., there's no shortage of news on The Donald either.
Check out our roundup of the recent Trump news stories.
The L.A. Times/USC Daybreak Poll Is a Total Outlier, Has Donald Trump Winning?
Ever since last Monday's totally bonkers presidential debate at Hofstra University, there's been a
near consensus that Hillary Clinton got a significant bounce in the polls,and is effectively in the lead. As we write this,
the Real Clear Politics average of national polls has the former Secretary of State up by 4.1 points over Donald Trump, compared with the day of the debate, Sept. 26, where she was up by only 2.3.
Actually, 4.1 percent may be something of an understatement. Every single recent national poll has Clinton beating Trump by between 5 and 7 points that is, all except for one:
the L.A. Times/USC Daybreak Poll,which has
Trump?up by 4 points.
Read the full
L.A. Weekly story
Donald Trump Thinks Los Angeles' Airport Is Third World Donald Trump said a lot of things at the debate that might have made you cringe, from his argument that one of his golf resorts was an example of racial inclusion to
his claim that he never supported the Iraq war.
But when he compared Los Angeles International Airport to a third-world facility, it was personal, at least in L.A.
Read the full
L.A. Weekly story
Trump's Lewd Remarks Made on an L.A. Studio Lot
Video of a lewd conversation Donald Trump had with then?
Access Hollywood?host Billy Bush during a 2005 bus ride to a studio where the real estate mogul was to tape an episode of
Days of Our Lives?is turning out to be the bombshell
October surpriseof the fall campaign season so far.
Read the full
L.A. Weekly story here.
A Taco Truck Owner in Central Los Angeles Is All-In for Trump
Just a half-block from the I-10 overpass, in the parking lot on the corner of Union Avenue and Washington Boulevard, ?you'll find perhaps one of the rarest specimens of Southern California. It's a taco truck for Trump.
Read the full
L.A. Weekly story
Los Angeles' Biggest Trump Supporter Faces Protest You'd think a developer like Geoffrey H. Palmer ? the biggest donor to Donald Trump's presidential campaign?(besides Trump himself) ? would be a natural enemy of the Neighborhood Integrity Initiative, and a possible friend to the pro-development Build Better L.A. Coalition. Not necessarily.
Read the full
L.A. Weekly story
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