Anti-Trump Activists Want a Date With Dianne Feinstein

Dianne Feinstein is the senior senator from what is perhaps the nation's most anti-Trump state, California. But she has moderate tendencies, and she doesn't march in lockstep with the liberal agenda in Washington.

While many progressives in the Golden State want to see their congressional representatives vote no on all of President Trump's cabinet nominations ? both as payback for the obstructionist Congress faced by President Obama and because they genuinely disagree with the 45th president's policies ? Feinstein is taking a case-by-case approach to Trump's nominations. So far she has voted yes on at least five cabinet nominees.

Today protesters organized by the anti-Trump group Indivisible plan to gather outside Feinstein's West Los Angeles office to ask for a town hall meeting to talk about her Trump-related votes. We want a date, says Tessie Borden, a spokeswoman for the nonprofit. We're letting her know we support her, but we want her to pay attention to us. Our position is that we wanted no Democrat votes on these confirmations.

She said Feinstein hasn't scheduled a Southern California town hall during the Feb. 20 congressional recess week, something that's customary for other representatives.

Dianne Feinstein has been more the kind of leader who works in consensus mode, Borden says. But we're not in normal times, and we need our representatives, even in deeply blue states, to step up and reflect the will?of their constituents because we're not happy with what's happening right now.

Organizers say a few hundred people are expected to turn out today. Demonstrators will present Valentine's Day cards asking Feinstein for that town hall date. The event is scheduled for noon at 11111 Santa Monica Blvd. in West Los Angeles.

Sen. Feinstein has said she does not see her role as being the leader of the Trump opposition, yet we constituents need bold leadership, Indivisible organizer Tudor Popescu said in a statement. We deserve a chance to be in the same room with our senator so that she can see and hear us. A lack of bold?leadership led to Trump being elected. We can no longer afford to repeat the mistakes of the past.

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