Are We All Just Becoming Human Robots?
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Are We All Just Becoming Human Robots?

Everyone knows that COVID-19 affected the employment industry globally. Those who are or were unemployed find that finding and being offered a new job is more exciting than it was before — especially given the economic crisis. However, one Reddit thread asked the community what questions an interviewer may ask that scream “red flags.”. Suffice to say, the responses were scarily familiar — it sounds as though they want to turn employees into human robots!

“Red Flag” Interviews (According to the Internet)

Take a time to ponder whether or not you’ve been asked these questions and demands by an interviewer before and see if the online community “translated” what they actually meant accurately.

“We’re like a family here.”

This one is one of the most common “red flags” that people on the net identify. They hilariously added that when the interviewer says that, they meant that working with them is indeed akin to a family — albeit an abusive one!

“We need someone who can work well under pressure.”

The community said that this means you WILL be subjected to an immense amount of pressure and you’ll be given difficult tasks because you said you can.

“Are you willing to work on weekends/holidays?”

This one could mean that you’re expected to work overtime with very little to no compensation and your dedication to the company equates to sacrificing your life outside the workplace.

How Employees Are Possibly Being Turned Into Human Robots

Now that we have an idea of how toxic a new job can potentially be just based on an interviewer’s questions, many who accepted jobs from environments like that find it difficult to cope or thrive because they’re closely monitored by the companies they work for.
Some factories calculate the number of hand movements their workers can take so as to reach the items’ average daily production. Other companies with white-collar workforce monitor their employees’ mouse movement and browsers that are open by having sites like Hubstaff involved.
Even bathroom and lunch breaks are tracked by some companies — their employees are required to use cards or keys to access doors just to make sure that their employees were indeed in the bathroom or canteen. The lack of autonomy makes employees look like they’re human robots as, by default, they’re submitting “data” on their whereabouts.

Employees and Their Very Human Outcry

“Business as usual” is something many enterprise owners say. After all, everyone wants their business to succeed. That’s why despite the pandemic, natural calamities, and recession, many still do their best to run their business like how they normally do. However, there’ve been cases when their livelihood became so prioritized, that it became detrimental to their employees — injuries and death have been reported to have transpired in workplaces.
Just December last year, news outlets reported that an Amazon employee reportedly died of a heart attack in a warehouse. According to other workers, the man laid on the floor for 20 minutes without receiving medical attention. The managers, however, allegedly told the other employees to “go back to work” and didn’t give them time to process what had just occurred with their colleague. This generated backlash and the employees protested. One sign held by a protester said, “We are not human robots.”

Robots Replacing Humans

As technology evolves, several companies now turn to more accurate and efficient solutions — robots. It’s reported that there are 1.7 million manufacturing jobs that are worked on by AI and automated machinery. While this prevents human errors and fewer malfunctions, many more are predicted to lose their jobs because of this. An expert also said in their essay that 50% of all jobs will be replaced by robotics and software in the next 15 years.

In Closing…

We can’t entirely be sure if robots, AI, and software replacements are the best solution as only a few jobs in the industry are using these advanced technologies — but they’re rapidly growing in manufacturing companies. These may prevent human errors, injuries, and death, but a human “touch” can still be the best option in some industries. However, when their workers are being turned into human robots, many companies will see a decline in their growth as those who recognize these “red flags” in the workplace will opt to work elsewhere — where the environment is healthier for them.

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