Art Pick: Channel Flip, Meet Me at the Edge of the Sun at LAND
rafa esparza (LAND)

Art Pick: Channel Flip, Meet Me at the Edge of the Sun at LAND

This original streaming program commissioned by Los Angeles Nomadic Division features a roster of performance-based video works organized by Guadalupe Rosales, featuring pieces from Nao Bustamante, Zackary Drucker, rafa esparza, MPA, and Rosales herself around the theme of bodies as archives. The idea that the physical body itself over time becomes a site of memory, experience, politics, activism, and rebellion presents an expansive field for these artists to engage, looking at performance-based actions in service of giving form the forces that shape our existence.
width=560 Channel Flip, Meet Me at the Edge of the Sun (LAND)
Rosales has said that she is interested in how violence and micro-politics are embedded in our bodies in contemporary society and how artists channel this social energy in their artwork, a particularly salient prompt in this time of pandemics, protests, and great change. For further emphasis, the screening happens on the amplified occasion of a solar eclipse (visible in Asia and Africa) and at the summer solstice.

Sunday, June 21, 7 p.m.; followed by a conversation with the artists on Monday, June 22, at 2 p.m.

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