Art Pick: July Programs at Bridge Projects
Patty Wickman at Bridge Projects

Art Pick: July Programs at Bridge Projects

Beginning July 2 in a discussion with Dublin-based artist Siobhán McDonald about the role of art in science and conservation, the salon-style, conversation-centric Bridge Projects launches a series of remote cultural events for July. Upcoming events include thematic poetry reading (July 3) and a conversation with Los Angeles-based artist Patty Wickman on the spiritual and art historical threads in her affecting landscape paintings (July 9). Continuing the theme of botanical allegory, they also present an illustrated talk with Getty curator Bryan C. Keene on the illuminations traditions of the garden in Medieval and Renaissance art (July 11), and a discussion on the Live Oak and Other Indigenous Trees of California with Tongva Elder, Julia Bogany (July 18).

Bridge Projects online;

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