Ask a Stoner: How Can I Have a Merryjuana Christmas?
Dear Stoner: What are some ways to tastefully incorporate weed into Christmas morning?
Dear Kim: Christmas is all about getting cozy, so keep that in mind as visions of sugar nugs dance in your head. And nothing is cozier than Christmas cookies and cocoa, both of which you can infuse with pot. A quick batch of THC butter and milk can help you whip up both of those toasty delights in no time ? just make sure there are no kids around who might confuse your treats with the non-infused variety.
You don't need to make your own edibles in order to tastefully incorporate cannabis into the holidays, either. A few infused chocolates or suckers would be great stocking stuffers. You could also tie little joints to your Christmas tree as ornaments and light them up throughout the day, but don't put them up until Christmas Eve: There's always at least one Grinch in the family.
Dear Stoner: What are some good recipes for Christmas edibles?
Holly II
Dear Everyone: It's that toasty time of year again, when dozens of friends, relatives and strangers hit me up for holiday-themed pot recipes for their snowy nights and ugly-sweater parties. Here's a new treat to spread the joy and glazed eyes: Mexican wedding cakes with a peppermint twist.
Much closer to doughnut holes than a wedding cake, Mexican wedding cakes are buttery and doughy, and pair well with a cup of coffee in the morning or a glass of milk at midnight making them perfect to infuse with pot. Just remember to keep them safely away from the kids: I ate my weight in the nonpot version of these little devils when I was young.
10 grams ground marijuana (more if you really like to party)
2 cups powdered sugar
2_ cups butter
1_ teaspoons vanilla extract
_ teaspoon almond extract
4_ cups all-purpose flour
1 cup finely chopped nuts
_ teaspoon salt
1 package candy caneflavored Hershey's Kisses
ed or green food coloring (optional)
Directions: Set oven to 240 degrees. Put ground marijuana in the bottom of a baking dish, cover in foil and cook for 30 minutes. This will decarboxylate your flower, activating the THC to a level that your stomach digestion cannot while removing terpenes, which most tastebuds prefer because it takes away the weed aftertaste. Melt butter at a low temperature and stir in _ cup of water and the marijuana. Let simmer for anywhere from 30 minutes to three hours, stirring frequently. Strain to separate butter-water mix from plant matter; put liquid in fridge until butter and water separate. Reserve butter.
Heat oven to 300 degrees. In a large bowl, mix powdered sugar, butter and vanilla. Stir in flour, nuts and salt until dough holds together. Add three to four drops of food coloring if desired. Shape dough into 1-inch balls around peppermint Kisses. Set about 1 inch apart on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until firm but not brown! Roll in powdered sugar again while still warm. Cool on wire rack or parchment paper for about 30 minutes. Roll in powdered sugar again. Impress the shit out of your inner child.
Snoochie Boochies and Happy Holidays, boys and girls.
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