Batman & Superman Unite For 1st Time? Porn Was Already There

Comic-Con fans nearly jizzed their skinny jeans when Warner Bros. announced at the San Diego convention over the weekend that, for the first time ever, Batman and Superman would appear together in a motion picture.

As with everything in modern media, however, from the phase-out of print to the free-content model, porn was ahead of the suits on this one. (Warning, possibly NSFW image):

Vivid Entertainment, Porn Valley's largest producer, released a statement today to remind us that it already had Batman and Superman coming together, so to speak, via director Axel Braun's Man of Steel XXX.

No, the guys didn't have super-sex with each other (that we know of). (See a NSFW trailer here). That superhero tale was released last month.


The Warner Bros. announcement at Comic-Con was totally amazing...yet somewhat incorrect. I always seem to be a step ahead of the mainstream studios. And of course because I can put out movies at a much quicker pace. Plus, I'm just awesome like that.

The director has made a career of adult spoofs of major superhero and sci-fi stories, including with Star Wars XXX and Iron Man XXX.

Perhaps someone at Warners has been watching.

See also: Porn Defends the Money Shot.

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