Beating of Suspect Investigated by Sheriff's Officials VIDEO

Another cop beatdown of a suspect was captured on video by a bystander, who recently uploaded footage (below) to YouTube.

The L.A. Sheriff's Department is investigating the use of force, spokeswoman Nicole Nishida told us.

It's no Rodney King situation, though. A suspect is on the ground and he's being hit with a flashlight held by a deputy who yells repeatedly, Hands behind your back.

Sheriff's officials say that while the suspect was treated for a minor abrasion to his arm, two cops sustained eye, nose and forehead injuries, according to a statement. In other words, maybe there's more to the story than what's on video.

It started at 1:48 a.m. Sunday when a woman hiding in the bathroom of a fast food restaurant in the 4200 block of Cesar Chavez Avenue in East L.A. reported she was being harassed by an ex-boyfriend who was possibly armed with a knife, authorities stated.

Responding deputies say the suspect refused to let go of a skateboard, hit a cop in the face with the thing, resisted arrest and fought off the law officers. According to the sheriff's statement:

The suspect hit a second deputy in the head with his arm. A third deputy arrived at the scene and the three deputies were able to take the suspect to the ground. In addition to trying to secure the suspect on the ground, deputies used OC spray, which had little effect. The suspect's body remained rigid, he continued to struggle with his hands, and the deputies, unsure whether he was armed with a knife or another weapon, continued to try to secure his hands. One deputy used his flashlight and struck the subject numerous times on his side. As more deputies arrived, the suspect was able to be subdued without the use of additional force.

Prosecutors have charged the suspect with assault with a deadly weapon on a cop, assault on a law officer and resisting arrest.

As with every incident involving the use of force, an investigation was immediately begun and is continuing, the Sheriff's Department stated. Los Angeles County Sheriff's investigators are aware of a video that shows a brief portion of the incident and are attempting to obtain a copy of additional videotape of the incident, as well as other witnesses.

If you have more video or information for investigators, call (323) 264-4151.

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