Give us your tired, your poor, your overcharged renters yearning to Uber it for free (with a promo code). In other words, give us Los Angeles.
Sen. Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign wants us bad.
After all, is there a better place than L.A. to find people angry about student loans, tax breaks for the rich and Wall Street's influence on the political process??
His campaign recently announced that it has formed a Southern California steering committee.
Bernie is home.
The committee has already been mobilizing thousands of voters in the area and has been laying the groundwork for a Sanders victory in the state on June 7, the campaign said in a statement last night.
While Sanders' people are ?hailing the diversity of the 27-member group, which includes former Los Angeles City Councilman Bob Farrell and current Councilman Gil Cedillo as co-chairs, it doesn't appear to be geographically diverse.
Somebody needs to tell the campaign Southern California is more than just Los Angeles and Orange counties. It includes San Diego, the second-largest city in the state and a
top-10 city nationally; the mighty Inland Empire, which extends nearly to Las Vegas; and even Santa Barbara and the El Centro desert.
The committee, which includes familiar names like that of Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District board member Oscar de la Torre and Garden Grove Mayor Bao Nguyen, doesn't appear to step outside the urbanity of the L.A.-O.C. area.
We reached out to the campaign to ask about this but did not hear back immediately.
Francine Busby, chair of the San Diego County Democratic Party, said the campaigns of both Hillary Clinton and Sanders haven't given her area enough attention.
Hillary doesn't have anyone from their steering committee here either, Busby told us. Both have field organizers recruiting and deploying volunteers. Since San Diego is the second largest county in the state, both campaigns would benefit from more organizational and leadership resources here.
In any case, despite his low chances in the Golden State, Sanders' backers are psyched about his so-called Southern California push. He certainly has his fans in L.A.
Not since the Rainbow Coalition of 1988 have we seen such a diverse and progressive movement for the heart and soul of the Democratic Party, Cedillo said. Bernie Sanders will win California, and we look forward to one of the most exciting Democratic conventions of our lifetimes.
California's Democratic primary is June 7.
Here's the full list of committee members, according to a statement from Sanders' camp:
Alan David Arian ? Ret. ILWU International President
Alfonso Morales ? City of Lynwood, School Board Member
Andres Ramos ? City of Compton, College Trustee
Angie Amezcua ? City of Santa Ana, Council Member
Bao Nguyen ? City of Garden Grove, Mayor
Briseida Gonzalez ? Lynwood Unfiied School Board, School Board Member
Chris Newman ? Immigration Attorney
Daraka Larimore-Hall ? California Democratic Party, Secretary
David Benavides ? City of Santa Ana, Council Member
Dr. Henry Hank? Hendricks ? Coalition of Black School Board Members, Former President
Dr. Jose Moreno ? Ret. Anaheim City School District, Ret. School Board Member
Gabriela Camacho ? City of Lynwood, Treasurer
Gil Cedillo ? City of Los Angeles, Council Member*
Gloria Ramos ? Centinela Valley Unified High School District, School Board Member
Heather Kim ? Koreans for Bernie, Co-Founder
Iyad Afalqa ? California Democratic Party, Arab American Caucus Chair
Jacquelyn M. Horton ? Community Advocate
Jay Chen ? Mount San Antonio College Board of Trustees, Board Member
Karina Marcias ? City of Huntington Park, Mayor
Marilyn Sanbira ? City of Huntington Park, Council Member
Oscar de la Torre ? Santa Monica School Board, School Board Member
Pastor Jawane Hilton ? City of Carson, Council Member
Robert Farrell ? Ret. Los Angeles Council member, (Ret.) of DNC Executive Committee, Ret. Council Member*
Robert Samuels ? California American Federation of Teachers, President
Roman Reyna ? City of Santa Ana, Council Member
Russell Greene ? California Democratic Party, Executive Board Member
Salvador Tinajero ? City of Santa Ana, Council Member
*denotes steering committee chair
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