Beverly Hills Developer Is Trump's Biggest Donor Well, After Trump

As if there weren't enough reasons for people to hate on notorious L.A. developer Geoff Palmer, who's brought the city such architectural atrocities as the Orsini and the Da Vinci,Palmer has given a Donald Trump Super PAC a cool $2 million, according to a Federal Election Commission quarterly report filed this weekend.

According to Bloomberg, that makes Palmer the biggest Trump donor in the country (besides, of course, Trump himself).

The Super PAC, Rebuilding America Now, which recently started running TV ads comparing Bill Clinton to Bill Cosby (!), is run by L.A.-based investor Tom Barrack, a close associate of Trump's. In June, Barrack told CNN that the Super PAC had attracted $32 million in financial commitments from four donors. But according to the quarterly report, the PAC has raised only $2,160,450 ? though indeed, it is from four different donors. Nearly all the money has come from Palmer.

The man whom Curbed L.A. calls downtown's worst developerowns at least six very large apartment buildings in Los Angeles, all with faux-Italian names: the Medici, the Visconti, the Orsini, the Piero, the Lorenzo and of course, the Da Vinci,which was set on fire in 2014 while it was still being built.

In February, the city filed a $20 million lawsuit against Palmerfor not having an adequate fire protection plan.

The fire was only the latest in a series of misdeeds that have made Palmer the bête noire of urban boosters. There was the pedestrian bridge he wanted to build over Olympic Boulevard so that his residents wouldn't have to walk past homeless people; there was the historic 1880s Queen Anne house his construction workers accidentally destroyed while building the Orsini.

Worst of all was his lawsuit, in 2007, over a city zoning law requiring downtown developers of large projects to reserve a number of units for low-income tenants. Palmer's victory in that lawsuit means California cities can't force developers to build affordable housing (though they can incentivize them to do so by granting density bonuses).

So what's with Palmer's weird Italian fetish? In 2014, he told Los Angeles Magazine,The Italians actually settled L.A. before the Spanish and Chinese.

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