Brentwood School Investigating Raucous Party Aboard Rick Caruso's Boat

A raucous party in which students from Brentwood School recorded themselves shouting lyrics to a vulgar rap song took place aboard the boat of billionaire developer Rick Caruso, according to multiple sources who asked not to be named. 

The dozen or so mostly white students in Hawaiian shirts and leis are depicted in the video happily singing the chorus of "Dump Dump" by A$AP Ferg, which goes:

I fucked your bitch, nigga, I fucked your bitch

She sucked my dick, nigga, she sucked my dick

The 15-second clip was posted on YouTube about a week ago, along with title cards that read, "Welcome to Brentwood. Start Curious. Stay Curious. Go Anywhere," a sarcastic nod to Brentwood School's motto. The original video has been taken down, but a copy can be found here. 

A petition on linked to the video and called on school officials to investigate. A statement on the petition (which has since been taken offline) read:

Brentwood School has failed to protect its students. A group of almost exclusively white students had a party on a boat and decided to sing the N-word multiple times. Brentwood has done nothing other than offer to "talk to them." If these kids weren't in their socioeconomic position, of their racial heritage, or considered "assets" to the community (based on social status and/or their parents' wealth), consequences would be different. Brentwood claims to value diversity and acceptance, but their lack of action demonstrates otherwise. This is just another example of their white favoritism. Unless they begin implementing the values that they parade, it will be difficult for more students that identify as minority members to feel embraced as a part of the community.

According to the school's website, Brentwood's student body is 66 percent white.

Former baseball player Barry Bonds, whose daughter attends Brentwood School, linked to the petition on Facebook with the following commentary: 

I am sad that I had to see this at my daughter's school. I hope that there will be action against these student and that [they] get suspended from the school. This is what 40k a year gets African-American students at Brentwood.

Brentwood School posted a statement on its own website, reading in part:

Brentwood School is dealing with the impact of a video showing several students at a non-school party, singing lyrics that are offensive and inconsistent with our core values. We are investigating this insensitive behavior, will address the situation directly, and will respond seriously.

In addition, we will do more. We will reflect on our response as a school administration and identify what Brentwood School can do better in the future to help all of our students understand the harm that this type of conduct causes to themselves, to others and to the community.

The party was aboard the boat of billionaire Rick Caruso, one of the most prominent developers in Southern California, who created the Grove and the Americana at Brand. 

At the age of 25, Caruso became the youngest commissioner in the history of L.A. when he was appointed to the DWP Commission by Mayor Tom Bradley. He later served as head of the Police Commission and was heavily involved in the hiring of Police Chief Bill Bratton. Caruso has been said to harbor ambitions for elected office; he has been mentioned as a possible mayoral candidate, though he has never run.

He has four children; his youngest son attends Brentwood School. There is no evidence that he appears in the video. 

Caruso, who declined to comment, owns one 216-foot "mega-yacht," the Invictus, though that may not be the boat in question.

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