Californians Admit They're Rude, Bad Drivers

Dear California drivers: Perhaps you should listen carefully to The Specials' classic "A Message to You Rudy," a song dedicated to rude boys and girls everywhere.

Stop your fooling around/Time you straighten right out/Better think of your future/Else you'll wind up in jail.


A new survey of 2,089 drivers across the United States found that nearly half of California drivers believe their fellow Golden State motorists are rude. The survey was commissioned by the website

Nearly 48 percent of California respondents said fellow drivers are fairly rude or very rude, the site found. Nearly 33 percent said Golden State motorists are "fairly bad" or "terrible" drivers, too.

Residents of other states aren't as critical. For example, one out of four New Yorkers believe Empire State motorists are "fairly good drivers." More than half (51.3 percent) believe New Yorkers are at least average behind the wheel.

Los Angeles often has the worst traffic congestion in America, so it's perhaps understandable that drivers get frustrated.

Maybe what we need is more texting and driving. Really. At least it slows your roll.

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