Across film, video, neon, light, installation art and photography, the multifaceted artist Miriam Kruishoop is essentially a storyteller. And not only her own story.
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Summer may have indeed seemed like 500 days this year, and while technically still on for a couple of more weeks, Labor Day turns the collective psyche towards Autum
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When the Community Redevelopment Agency set out to spruce up the Grand Avenue corridor in 1985, a key element was the incorporation of sculpture into renovated publi
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Painter Ariel Vargassal combines stylistic cues from Pop, Surrealism, and magical realism in crisply depicted micro-fables of the human condition. In each tableaux t
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It is Indie Bookstore Day this weekend, so whatever titles linger on your wish list or neighborhood biblio-merchants you've been meaning to support, now is the time.
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Francisco Palomares fuses lived experience with an abiding love of classical art history, creating richly rendered oil paintings depicting the people, places, and ob
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This week, the art world joins in commemorating the passage of the 19th Amendment, looking back as well as to the present for ways to continue the work. There is als
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Here's an understatement: there are a lot of very worthy organizations seeking funding in this time fraught with crises of near-apocalyptic proportions. The spotligh
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September is typically a pretty big month in the art world, with a roster of high-profile gallery exhibitions that is both exciting and overwhelming, and a cluster o
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Gabba is always a little bit of a rock 'n roll gallery, but every August they turn up the volume and make it literal. This year's show is virtual, but feel free to c
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The history of monuments throughout the western landscape has inarguably served to center and celebrate the colonial, patriarchal, and necro-capitalist legacies of v
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Photographer Austin Irving makes work about being uncomfortable. Although her imagery is primarily architectural in content, its true subject in many ways is the bod
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