Streaming services, cable TV and Primetime television are fighting for your viewership now more than ever. UNBINGED is here to help you weed through it all, with rev
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The Gray Man is such a massive, go-for-broke production, it's a shame we can't give it a good review. Though the film is based on a best-selling novel and adapted by
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Arriving amid a fat and pricey blitz of hype, Jordan Peele's Nope is a willfully eccentric bear of a movie. You could call it Peelean. Like his earlier hits, Get Out
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Karina Longworth is the best kind of film academic. Her perspective on cinema and its history is expansive and ruminative, but her passion for the subject matter ens
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The Reality of Fiction in a Podcast World: Perhaps it was inevitable. Radio is a century old and it wasn't long into its life as a medium for public entertainment th
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Short films might not be as labor-intensive as full lengths, but they have their own set of challenges. Telling a great story in a limited amount of time is not easy
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The new adaptation of Jane Austen's Persuasion is like an Impossible patty versus a Waygu burger. Or, put another way, if Austen is a dry martini, ironic and brinish
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Claire Denis' emotionally searing Both Sides of the Blade opens with a middle-aged couple swimming in a vast, glimmering ocean as they lovingly caress each other. Th
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The mystique of the Chelsea Hotel has achieved cult-like status over the decades, due to the parade of counterculture icons that have alighted there for famous night
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A 90-minute documentary about lava? What is this, geology class? Not even close... Fire of Love is nothing like what you might be expecting. Yes, it's a meditation o
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Baz Luhrmann's Elvis has a feral energy you don't experience often in the movies; not even for a Luhrmann project (he's a director who notoriously specializes in ost
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Peter Strickland's new film, Flux Gourmet, revels in savory, deadpan freakitude, but I'm going to have a hard time telling you what it is. It's not any kind of horro
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