Accepting the Welt Literature Prize in Berlin on Nove. 10 of this year, novelist Zadie Smith said, Time travel is a discretionary art: a pleasure trip for some and a
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In the early scenes of the sci-fi drama Passengers, Chris Pratt gets to be every dope who ever woke up in the middle of the night, thought it was morning and started
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This year was a mixed bag for television. Though it's been said that we've reached peak TV, viewers still have to cut through a jungle of overhyped, hacky fl
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Whenever I tell someone I've been binging on Hallmark Christmas movies all day, there's a certain amount of apology involved.I know, they're the worst, I'll concede,
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In a profile early this year, novelist Dana Spiotta told The New York Times, That's seductive, being paid attention to. Several of the films below ? those that seduc
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Controversial opinion: Lists are a great way to both organize and digest horrifically large amounts of information. And they've never been more relevant than this, t
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I was fortunate enough this year to be at both Sundance and Cannes, so it was something like agony for me to watch the litany of critics and commentators who spent
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In this, the harrowing year of 2016, I could jump into the Oscars talk. I could pick groundbreaking films that reminded me time and again that movies are alive and
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The first thing to say about Rogue One is that it might be the most visually splendid Star Wars movie to date ? with its mist-covered mountains, its tsunamis of dust
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It's 8 a.m. in Santa Clarita and Ava DuVernay is thinking about fate. We're on the set of Disney's A Wrinkle in Time, the film adaptation of the much-lo
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Here's a promise few movies can make: If you sink two hours into Collateral Beauty now, it's guaranteed that for the rest of your life, when conversation sta
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Art is a lie that tells a truth, Pablo Picasso once said. The aphorism animates Pablo Larraín's canny and vigorous Neruda, a sidelong biopic of the preeminent Chile
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