In Andr? T?chin?'s vibrant new film Being 17, two teens wrestle with desire and hostility in a mountainous corner of France. The subject matter is not new for T?chin
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A young man tramples through the snow in fast, furious, headlong motion in the beginning of Andr? T?chin?'s Being 17, a film that proceeds at a similar clip. So have
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We're all terrified of forgetting what he looked like or sounded like, says David Wheeler in Newtown, Kim A. Snyder's transfixing documentary portrait of collective
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As it always happens in the Chris Guest movies, we really don't talk to each other before we get to set, Jane Lynch says, explaining how she creates her menagerie of
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As has been widely noted, Woody Allen's Crisis in Six Scenes isn't really a television series; its six episodes are not particularly self-contained, and plot dev
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Film school is fucking expensive. And even if they get to film school, women still run the risk of having to deal with an old guard that probably thinks Title IX is
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Sure, El Cid is known for killer flamenco, but it transforms into an off-the-beaten-path theater for the monthly El Cid Short Film Night. Michael McCarthy, a longtim
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With wages stagnating and the price of movie tickets forever increasing ? not to mention the endless amount of movie and TV options available online (legally or othe
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Seed&Spark, founded by Emily Best, has taken crowdfunding to an entirely more sophisticated level for filmmakers. What started out as a way to select only the best,
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Film Independent's on a roll (or reel?), bringing film to the people. As a facet of its partnership with LACMA, Film Independent at LACMA's Live Read series,
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Half a century after its debut, The Battle of Algiers has a permanent parking spot in the film canon. After taking home the Golden Lion at the 1966 Venice Film Festi
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They say there's no accounting for taste, and here to prove it is The Greasy Strangler. A fringe-inhabiting genre provocation destined for a self-selecting audience
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