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One of the benefits of services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime is that they allow TV stars, liberated from the confines of network television and cable, to try som Read full Post
You know those kids who didn't give a shit about fashion or football but piled onto beanbags in the basement every Friday to watch the freakiest low-budget camp horr Read full Post
Deepwater Horizon is the most entertaining Hollywood disaster movie in years. I'm sorry ? is that a terrible thing to say? Peter Berg's film is based on the true sto Read full Post
I'm letting you take a picture of me naked and showing the world. That's what globetrotting DJ Steve Aoki told Justin Krook when he agreed to be the subject of t Read full Post
These are the images that have marked me and leave me wondering still. That's how Kirsten Johnson prefaces Cameraperson, made up of footage she has collected ove Read full Post
In this age of billion-dollar, candy-colored, fully digital child-distraction movie-making, the new chatty-animal adventure comedy Storks wouldn't have to be goo Read full Post
Pasolini's Salò meets red Solo cups in Goat, Andrew Neel's deep, dank dive into the depravities of frat pledging that operates as its own kind of hazing ritual. Poi Read full Post
Judy Davis doesn't like the expression scene-stealing, even though it precisely describes her performance in The Dressmaker. I always sort of cringe when I hear that Read full Post
Set aside all human decency and imagine, for a moment, that you're Kim Jong-il. Imagine it's 1978, and you're pushing 40, still Great Leader's son rather Read full Post
A woman wears sunglasses, a tight red dress, matching long gloves and red lipstick. She stands and smokes a cigarette, ostensibly watching a rugby game, but really t Read full Post
Over the last 10 days, the Toronto International Film Festival has screened hundreds of movies from all across the world. L.A. Weekly's April Wolfe and Michael N Read full Post
We've come a long way since American Psycho. And also not.When co-writer/director Mary Harron premiered her Bret Easton Ellis adaptation in 2000, the kneejerk assump Read full Post