Look, if you're not stirred by the sight of Denzel Washington, clad in head-to-toe black, riding a black stallion over dunes and bluffs and right up to the saloo
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Mira Nair's Queen of Katwe is a true-life tale transformed into an inspirational fable. That's not novel for the movies, but in this director's hands, the results ar
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Opponents of marijuana legalization have hit a nerve with their contention that Proposition 64 would allow pot ads on primetime television in the Golden State.U.S. S
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In lieu of a traditional title card, Indivisible offers a corker of an opening sequence that begins with three young women walking home from the beach like hungover
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Matt Johnson's prankish Operation Avalanche boasts a strong half-hour of footage that's fully engaged with this question: Could a couple of Kubrick-obsessed
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Since the late 1940s, filmmakers have been transforming the magnificent Greystone Mansion into cinematic settings such as hospitals, funeral homes, government office
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Writer-director Osgood Perkins has been peeking at my Shirley Jackson book collection, and he's already read through my favorites: The Haunting of Hill House and
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Command and Control is frightening for a whole pants-shitting list of reasons, but perhaps the scariest is that the near-detonation of a nuclear warhead in 1980 was
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Looking back at this dismal summer of superhero adaptations, I am reminded of something Chris Rock said during the 77th Academy Awards: There are only four real star
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What's constant in Katherine Dieckmann's films Motherhood (2009), Diggers (2006) and A Good Baby (2000) is an attention to characters and place. Many of us in the
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They should have sent a poet, Jodie Foster's teary-eyed astronaut?says?as she gazes upon the glory of space in Contact. It took nearly 20 years, but Terrence Mal
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At first glance, TV (The Book), which came out last week, may look like a survey of what two respected TV critics consider to be the greatest television shows of all
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