L.A. Weekly's (Streaming) Movie Guide is your look at the hottest films available on your TV sets and electronic devices ? from indie art house gems to popcorn-perfe
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There are a lot of interviews spread throughout the new three-part documentary, Time Warp: The Greatest Cult Films of All-Time, but one of the best moments is when t
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Esther Esty Shapiro (Shira Haas) isn't like other girls. She isn't like most people in general. Hailing from an uber-orthodox Hasidic community in Williamsburg is en
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Inspirational stories are in high demand as COVID-19 wreaks havoc, so the timing of Netflix's latest release is on the money. Sergio is about selfless U.N. diplomat
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Despite the celebrity testimonials in the Netflix-produced LA Originals, the stars of the documentary aren't rappers, ballers or even the subjects themselves -photog
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If not for the coronavirus, L.A.'s streets might still seem desolate this weekend as the annual mass exodus to the desert for the Coachella music festival would be h
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Back in December, before the COVID-19 pandemic and physical distancing started, a not-so-subtle billboard popped up in Hollywood that turned a few heads. Advertising
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L.A. Weekly's (Streaming) Movie Guide is your look at the hottest films coming to your TV sets and electronic devices ? from indie art house gems to popcorn-perfect
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Broke, the new comedy, which debuted last night on CBS with record-breaking ratings (7.14 million viewers) boasts a title and themes concerning something we are all
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With COVID-19 spreading and self quarantine time increasing, you might find yourself scrolling through Netflix and other services, looking for something ? anything ?
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In the wake of Tiger King buzz, Anne With an E might be the most wholesome and engaging TV show that no one in America is talking about. But it is definitely a show
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We all know cabin fever is better than COVID-19 fever, especially with so many options on our TVs and computers to keep us entertained. But how do we know what is wo
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